Addenda As of December 1979


Hexes A2812 and B1142 should be infantry encampments.

Hex A2321 should be a cavalry encampment.

Hex B0546 should be an artillery encampment.

There should be no encampments in hexes A2223. A2419 and B0824

The Casualty Tracks' indication of "1000's" should be"100's.'.


We seem to have short-changed you a bunch of "Ammo Available'. markers
by oversight. Sorry.



13 Iowa(1/1/T) deploys in B0625/1.

9 Illinois deploys in BI033/6, not B1023.

The 15 Michigan and 16 Iowa are correctly deployed in non-encampment
hexes (see 6.48, below)


The unit in A0605 should be the 19th Louisiana.

McClung's Battery enters with the Reserve Corps.


[4.0. Abbreviated Sequence of Play] (important clarification) The
Abbreviated Sequence contradicts the actual rules. The Confederate
Player is always the first player. The Union Alert Phase belongs at the
beginning of the Second (Union) Player-Turn.

[5.12] (correction) A unit may enter a hex containing an Enemy unit only
during the Friendly Melee Phase

[5.4] (correction) The rule contradicts the text of the Terrain Effects
on Movement Chart (5.5): the chart is correct, so the die-roll necessary
to, fix a broken down wagon or gun is 1-4.

[5.5. Terrain Effects Chart] (addition) There are two fords on the map
The Ford over Owl Creek (B0914) is treated as if it were a bridge The
ford across hexes A2847 and A2947 is a special case. It may be crossed
only by mounted cavalry (+4 MPs) or infantry in column (+3 MPs). For
purposes of melee it, is treated as if it were a bridge.

[6.42] (correction) The reference should be to Case 18.26.

[6.48] (important clarification) The Union 16th Iowa and 15th Michigan.
as well as any reinforcements arriving before 0900 are not encamped:
these may be moved as per Case 16.15(4). These units are not checked for
stragglers until they reach their assigned officer's Command Radius, or
starting with 0900, whichever comes first.

[7.47] (omission) A unit may always move through a Prone unit (at no
extra Movement Point cost). However, if a unit ends its movement in a
hex with a Prone unit it, too, must fall Prone.

[8.16] (clarification) Example 2, line 4: The first word should be

[8.21] (omission) The following diagram delineates the fields of fire
(i.e., the hexes into which a unit may fire when firing through a
particular hexside) of each of the three frontal hex-sides.

[8.42] (clarification) Case 8.41 still applies when determining which
infantry unit(s) may fire.

[9.26] (important omission) The range effects for shotguns are as

Weapon       Maximum 1 2 3 4 5
S (Shotguns) 1 hex   3 - - - -

[9.44] (correction) Ignore the reference to Case 9.43

[9.57] (clarification) It is important that this Case be careful1y read,
as most arti1lery fire is governed by it. Given the predominant terrain
types on the map most artillery fire would seem to be blocked (no LOS)
by woods or swamp. This Case enables artillery batteries to fire through
such terrain in most instances. If such a battery is at higher elevation
than the target

[9.86] (addition) Once a pinned unit is meleed, it becomes unpinned.
Remove the Pin marker from that unit.

[10.12] (clarification) When a unit triggers Withdrawal Fire it may be
fired at once by every eligible Enemy unit. There is no limit to the
number of Enemy units which may fire at a withdrawing unit (provided
each Enemy unit is eligible). A single Enemy unit may perform Withdrawal
Fire as many times as there are Friendly units which trigger such fire.

[10.13] (correction) The reference should be to Case 8.22.

[10.17] (clarification) A Friendly unit may be interposed between an
Enemy unit and a Friend1y artillery battery (thus blocking the Enemy
unit's LOS) during movement before that battery changes formation,
preventing fire by the Enemy unit per this Case.

[10.3] (correction) The reference should be to Case 11.26.

[11.21] (clarification) Only a cavalry or an infantry unit may capture a
supply wagon.

[11.24] (clarification) The first sentence after "1", "2", etc. should
read "Unit loses 10% of its Ammunition Points times Casualty Point
number (round down)".

[11.28] (omission) Resupply of units occurs before rally during the
Final Command Phase (see Sequence of Play checklist, below). Units may
not be resupplied in the same Phase that they are rallied


Wagons in danger of being captured may use a form of movement called
reaction. Reaction occurs in an Enemy Movement Phase as a result of
movement towards the wagon by an Enemy cavalry or infantry unit.

[11.81] A Supply Wagon may react only if it is either the sole unit in
its hex, is stacked with other supply wagon units only, or is stacked
with a combat unit of one Strength Point value (there may also be supply
wagon units present in such a stack).

[11.82] At any time during an Enemy Movement Phase that an Enemy cavalry
or infantry unit moves into a hex adjacent to that of a supply wagon
which may react, the Non-Phasing Player may attempt reaction and move
his wagon (on1y) away.

[11.83] Procedure

The non-Phasing Player consults the Wagon Reaction Table (11.89) and
rolls one die. The result is the number of hexes that wagon may move -
if any.

[11.84] If the result on the table is "May Not Move", reaction may not
be attempted for that wagon again during the same turn.

[11.85] A reacting wagon may not enter an Enemy ZOC, nor may it enter a
terrain type forbidden to it or cross a hexside ravine. After the wagon
reacts, the Enemy unit may continue movement, if it has Movement Points
remaining. (This is an exception to the rule that once a unit stops
moving it has finished movement.) If any Enemy unit moves adjacent to
the wagon again, the wagon may use reaction again, ad infinitum. There
is no limit to the number of times a Player may roll for reaction for a
given wagon during a Phase. though a result of "May Not Move" prevents
further use of the table during the turn.

[11.86] If the Enemy unit which causes reaction moves adjacent to the
wagon from a hex to which the wagon could not trace a LOS, add one to
the die-roll. If the wagon is stacked with a combat unit, add one to the
die-roll. Rolls greater than "6" are treated as a "6".

[11.87] If a wagon uses reaction, it may not be used for supply in the
ensuing Friendly Player-Turn.

[11.88] If a stack consisting of both infantry and cavalry units moves
adjacent to a wagon unit, the non-Phasing Player rolls on the cavalry
column of the Wagon Reaction Table.

[11.89] Wagon Reaction Table

Moving Enemy Unit Is...

DIE Cavalry Infantry
1      2       3
2      2       2
3      1       2
4      1       2
5     MNM      1
6     MNM     MNM

# = Number of hexes which wagon must be retreated; and MNM = May Not

[12.13] (correction) The reference should be to Case 17.2.

[12.51] (correction) The reference should be to Case 12.95.

[13.35] (clarification) Any additions to a die-roll of "6" are treated
as a "6," subtractions from "1" as "1". This applies throughout the game
to single-die ro11s.

[13.41]  (correction) The reference should be to Case 12.93.
(clarification) Units that are not rallied during the Final Command
Phase (and thus remain routed) do not have to retreat three hexes.

[14.3] (clarification) If a unit retreats into a hex occupied by a
Friendly unit which subsequently routs. Retreat Fire may be directed
against only the unit which initially occupied the hex.

[14.4] (correction) Ignore the reference to Case 12.93.

[15.2] (important change) When rolling for stragglers during movement
use two dice; if the roll is "11' or "12," straggling occurs.
(clarification) Green(?) units straggle during movement only if they are
still green or if their assigned Morale Rating is "1" or "2".

[15.34] (clarification) This applies only to combat (not movement).

[15.42] (omission) If a Confederate unit is in a Union camp hex, it does
not have to move into an adjacent Union camp hex. (Many Union camps are
adjacent to one 'another.) If a Confederate unit loots a camp, but does
not gather ammo during the  next Game-Turn, that hex is sti1l depleted.
See Case 15.47.

[15.43] (clarification) For the purposes of this rule only, treat green
units as if they had a Morale Rating of "l'.

[15.47] (clarification) The mechanics of depleting a camp carries over
two Game-Turns. The Confederate unit loots during the turn it enters the
camp. Should the unit remain in the hex by the  Final Command Phase of
the next Game-Turn. ammunition depletion is rolled. (omission) If a
Confederate unit occupies a Union camp hex other Confederate units are
not obligated to move into that camp hex. Player's Note: If a
Confederate unit without many Strength Points is placed in a Union camp
hex, it can perform "guard duty" by preventing other Confederate units
from entering the camp-.

[16.11] (clarification) Case 13.62(1) is an exception to this rule.

[16.12] (correction) The reference should be to Case 5.17. (addition) A
unit that is out of Command Radius at which fire is directed during the
Enemy Defensive Fire Phase may fire in the following Offensive Fire
Phase at the unit (or units) that fired at it.

[16.18] {addition) A brigade officer may have his Command Radius
increased by only one commander at any time.

[17.6] {clarification) The term "contact" means to be in a hex adjacent
to that of an Enemy unit. (change) A cavalry unit may move outside the
six- hex radius after another unit in their brigade makes contact;
however, that cavalry unit has a Movement Allowance of six until it
spots (LOS) an Enemy unit. It is strongly urged that Players use this
rule; it is optional only because it is somewhat artificial. The rule
counteracts the Player's hindsight of the terrain.

[18.21] (clarification) The Movement Allowances for guns are listed on
the Charts and Tables Sheet (2.4).



This rule is for those who do not want to do much bookkeeping. but are
not satisfied with the realism of Case 19.5. The general principle of
this rule is that, because of their interior lines and generally lower
level of activity. Union regiments/brigades will be less apt to become
fatigued than Confederate ones. It also replaces bookkeeping with
die-rolling towards the end of each day.

[19.61] During the Initial Command Phase of a Game-Turn listed on the
Fatigue Table {19.66). a Player must roll two dice and consult the
Fatigue Table for each of his brigades on the map to see if any are
fatigued. A dice-roll which falls within the listed span causes all
units within the brigade to be fatigued (Execption: See Case 19.64).

[19.62] Units that are fatigued remain so until night. Starting with the
2000 Game-Turn, each Player may roll two dice to attempt to remove
fatigue from his brigades during the Initial Command Phase. If he rolls
a 2 through 5 for a brigade, that brigade is no longer fatigued.
However, if any unit of a brigade moves, engages in combat or is
bombarded by Union gunboats, that brigade may not have fatigue removed.
During rain Game-Turns, fatigue removal may be attempted only for
brigades that have at least 2/3 of their units encamped {round up).

[19.63] If a brigade is still fatigued by the beginning of the second
day. the owning Player may remove fatigue with a roll of 2 through 7
during the Initial Command Phase. Units that become fatigued during the
second day may not recover.

[19.64] Effects of fatigue are as described in Case 19.3. Fatigue never
affects artillery or cavalry units.

[19.65] Bue11's Army and Wallace's 3rd Division units (Union) are not
checked for fatigue until the second day, and when they are, the Union
1st day column is used. That column is also used for any Confederate
units arriving on the second day.

[19.66] Fatigue Table

1st Day Turn   2nd Day Turn   USA 2nd Day and CSA   USA 1st Day

1540           1500                     2                -
1600           1520                    2-3               -
1620           1540                    2-3               2
1640           1600                    2-3              2-3
1700           1620                    2-4              2-3
1720           1640                    2-4              2-3
1740           1700                    2-5              2-4
1800                                   2-6              2-4
1820+                                  2-7              2-5

A roll within the indicated span causes fatigue in the affected brigade.

[20.0] Designer's Note: Some Players - a healthy minority, shall we say
- have complained that the Confederate Army is unable to achieve the
surprise that it did historically, using the present Alert system. This
is probably because most players approach these games with a degree of
hindsight unavailable to the actual participants - especially as to the
terrain. Therefore, I have adjusted the Alert system to a certain
degree, and this, together with some tightening of and changes to the
picket rules, as well as a less debilitating movement/straggler
dice-roll, should considerably aid the play balance of the game. For
those who want strict historicity, use the original rules; for those who
want a little flexibility and compensation for hindsight, use the new

[20.12] (clarification) The side of the counter that says "Picket', is
Line Formation; the other, Column. (addition) Pickets do not use

[20.15] (clarification) This also pertains to pickets alerted by other
pickets; the second picket may now move normally. (This usually occurs
when Peabody's picket runs into Miller's picket on the opening Game-
Turn.) (clarification) If Peabody's picket is deployed in A1312 it has
spotted the Confederates, no matter what that Confederate unit does that
turn. (clarification) In order for one Friendly unit to alert another,
both units (which may be of any type) must cease movement while stacked
together (this refers to all alert mechanisms). They may move no further
that Phase. Remember that, except for actual LOS spotting of an Enemy
unit, all alerting takes p1ace in the Alert Phase - not in the Picket
movement Phase {which follows). Thus, if Picket A is to alert Picket B,
the two must be stacked together during the Alert Phase. (change) A
picket may always stack with another picket (even if the two are in
co1umn) if one picket will alert the other during the  following Alert

[20.22] (change) When rolling to alert a brigade officer per this Case,
the die-roll must be equal to or less than that officer' s Effectiveness
Radius (i.e. Command Radius). Thus, a die-roll of 1 through 4 will alert
Peabody, but only a 1 or a 2 will alert McDowell. [20.26] (correction)
The third word in the first line should be "unalerted".

[20.27] (correction) Picket units, regardless of state, may always alert
other picket units. (clarification) Combat units may be alerted by a
picket unit only if that picket unit is routed. Otherwise, pickets are
only used to alert "leaders". (This is to prevent pickets from playing a
game of tag. and it a1so reflects command doctrine vis a vis picket

[20.3] {change) Unalerted infantry units are not in any formation; when
alerted and able to move, they must expend the necessary Movement Points
to enter one formation or the other. As unalerted infantry units have no
formation, any unit firing upon such a unit is firing through an
enfilade hexside.


This rule reflects the fact that certain Union divisional commanders
weren't paying much attention to what was going on, or refused to
believe what they did see. In essence, the rule changes the normal 1
through 4 die-roll for alert to an individual die-roll rating for each
commander. To alert a divisional commander, the owning Player must roll
within the listed span. Remember, after the second Turn, the alert is
automatic, as per Case 20.22.

Division Commander   Die-roll to Alert
   1     McClernand         1-3
   2     Wm. Wallace        1-5
   4     Hurlbut            1-4
   5     Sherman            1-2
   6     Prentiss            1

[24.15] (correction) The legend in the diagram is wrong, and the
distance stated should be one hex.

[26.11] (correction) There is no Command Staff Sheet. The OB's 1ist all
necessary information for staff purposes.

[29.5] (change) No Union Fifth Division picket may be placed east of the
ravine running along the west side of Rhea Field, and no picket may be
placed in a clear or field terrain hex at the start of play. (A picket
may be p1aced in a woods road or trail hex.) A picket may either be in
line or column formation; the choice is the owning Player's.

[32.2] (correction) Recent research indicates that Byrne's Kentucky
Battery (Reserve Corps) did have five 6-pounder smoothbores, not four.


ALERT (Union only)

1. Attempt to alert leaders


1. Move pickets
2. Move aides


1. Effectiveness Radius reduced to 3 hexes in woods
2. Fall prone (optional)
3. Fatigue/fatigue removal (optional)


1. Stacking Restrictions
2- Stragglers
a. Looting
3. Wagon reaction
4. Mistaken Fire (optional)
5. Zones of Control
a. Must stop if entering ZOC of mounted cavalry
b. Possible Withdrawal Fire if exiting Enemy ZOC


1. Line of Sight
2. Stacking restrictions
3. Column modifiers
a. Facing
b. Formation
c. Terrain
d. Density
e. Co-ordination (optional)
4. Rapid Fire (optional)
5. Subtract ammunition from firing units
6. Exploding caissons (optional)
7. If unit routs
a. May suffer Retreat Fire
b. Must check for stragglers upon conclusion
8. Forest fires (optional)


1. Withdrawal Fire
2. Check for rout at end of retreat


1. Stacking restrictions
2. Formation
a. Routed 'units and infantry in column may not initiate melee
3. Strength modifiers
a. Rout status
b. Leaders
c. Morale
d. Unalerted status
e. Terrain
4. Retreat
a. May suffer Retreat Fire
b. Check for rout upon conclusion


1. Ammunition resupply
2. Rally
a. Rally radius limited to 2 hexes in woods
3. Remove Pin markers
4. Recover stragglers
5. Weapons exchange (optional)
6. Fatigue accumulation or reduction
7. Promotions

Addenda compiled by: Richard Berg, Jim Bowman, Eric Goldberg, Tom 
Hudson, Paul Stevens, Nick Karp.