Commentary: unofficial, but resolve a number of subtle rules problems and situations, include pb(e)m
[3.1] Map: Hex 1806 is a Fertile hex. The following hexsides are impassable: 1820-1920, 1818-1919, 1819-1920, 1823-1924 and south, 2006-2007. The 1819-1919 hexside is passable however.
[5.0] Change third sentence to read: However, a Force inside a City/Castle needs no order -- they have an automatic Defend order against Siege and exert a Zone of Influence (ZOI). Army Strength Points (ASPs) without leaders who are not in City/Castles may not be given orders.
[6.0] Add to General Rule, in parentheses: or any units in a hex capable of taking orders, such as ASPs alone in a City.
[6.15] Addition: All Muslim leaders must have an ASP with them when they move. This one ASP is considered to be their own personal entourage and is used to guard any Field Treasury they have.
[6.151] Addition: When moving solely with this one ASP, they are given two Attritiion Points free. This is not to say that they can move further, rather, when all hex movement costs are added up, two is subtracted from the total. For example, 10 Attrition Points become 8 Attrition Points, thus there is no loss to Attrition.
[6.152] Addition: When a Muslim leader starts a move with more than one ASP and drops them off as he moves along, there are no free Attrition Points. Any ASPs lost to Attrition may be lost from (a) the last place they were dropped if the leader ends with only his entourage or (b) his ending group if this can be done without eliminating the entourage. If it would do so, losses are split as evenly as possible.
[6.21] Clarification: When moving out of a city it also costs one movement point.
[6.32] Addition: If a Muslim leader begins the Movement Phase in a City that has ASP's left outside due to an overstack (most frequently caused by Reinforcements) he may move those from outside along with any he may wish to move from inside as if they were all inside, i.e. one force. However, he may not take only some from outside, he must take the entire force along with at least one ASP and one more (his entourage) form inside.
Crusader forces that begin in the same hex (whether inside or outside a City) and end in the same hex are considered to be one force. But, just as is the case for the Muslims, Attrition is judged as starting from inside the City.)
[6.4] Clarification: Forces, of the same or different players, which start moving from the same hex and which end up in the same hex -- for whatever reason -- are considered to be one force for attrition purposes. Attrition losses are split as equally as possible with the larger force taking extra losses (or determine by means of a die roll). If the forces used different routes, use the highest hex attrition value.
Forces inside a City are charged Movement Attrition for entering the hex outside the City when they move out of the City.
[6.46] Clarification: The second sentence applies during the Winter turns only. At all other times, Line of Communication is judged at the beginning of movement (as per 11.17).
[6.47] Clarification: If on one turn a force does not move and is joined by other forces of the same player, should they all sit unmoving on the following turn, only the part of the force that qualifies as not having moved would be assessed attrition. (Think of this as still a separate force until they move.)
[6.48] Clarification: Neither Muslim nor Armenian ASPs may be retrieved through this "resupply". Also, each player may only pay for his own ASPs, his leaders may not pay for other players' ASPs, even if they are combined into one force (see 6.4 Clarification).
[7.0] Clarification: Moving forces do not have a ZOI, thus they cannot block enemy ZOIs.
[7.21] Clarification: Through that hexside or out of that hex into which the enemy ZOI is exerted.
[7.29] Addition, in the first sentence after Friendly Force: which exerts a ZOI.
[8.0] Addition: ASPs may only be moved by their own leaders.
[9.1] Addition: There is no "in city" fighting. If two players' forces should be in a city together, neither may throw the other out. Should another player's force want to enter too, both players must agree -- otherwise the other player must besiege to enter.
A bit of explanation about the next set of clarifications on 9.1. While it is recognized that a force closer to an unoccupied city may in fact be able to move into it prior to another forced that is up to 75 miles away, for the sake of rules simplicity and for game interest, I agree with the game designer that two forces ordered into the same city are both held outside. Remember, this is for unoccupied cities. The following refers to those cases only:
[9.85] Addition: Should there be only one Muslim leader in the combat, the remaining ASPs -- should the leader be killed or captured -- will be picked up and placed into the nearest city controlled by that player. They must remain one turn to meet the conditions of 9.73.
[9.9] Addition: Should any leader be captured in an Overrun, only one ASP is considered captured with him (one ASP per leader).
[10.13] See 6.21 Clarification.
[10.45] Addition: All captured Crusader or Muslim leaders are left with one ASP each.
[10.49] Addition: When a force is successful in a siege, the leader of that force must go into hte city. He may take in as many others from the force as he wants. This is done on completion of the siege, not on the next movement phase. (In play-by-mail games, if not told who goes in, the GM will start with the leaders having the highest guile and work downward until the city is filled.)
[10.57] Addition: If the siege does not succeed, but the defending force is eliminated (see 6.21 Clarification), the attacking forces may not move into the city until the next movement phase.
[11.14] Addition: In the First Crusade, crusaders within a hex that contains a friendly controlled city may also trace supply to that city.
[11.15] Clarification: A player who controls a city, may, by treaty, give another player the right to trace a Line of Communication to it.
[12.2] Clarification: Fleet movement, unlike Land Movement, does not count the ports as part of movement. (If it did, no fleet could move from Adalea except to a coastal hex.)
[12.48] Clarification: When opposing fleets try to enter an unoccupied port they must first battle to determine which enters. The loser would and in the hex outside the city. Unloading taxes place after the naval battle and before land combat.
[12.51] Clarification Ports are cities that fleets can sail into and thus must be treated as mini-hexes also. This means that for forces to load on ships, the force must start the movement phase in the port itself. ASPs without a leader may not load on ships.
[12.54] Clarification Land units must be disembarked at the end of fleet movement; they may not stay aboard fleets -- even if they reload and move on in the next turn.
[14.3] Correction: These rules, although listed with the Third Crusade, also apply for assassination in the First Crusade.
[14.34] Addition: Only controlled Armenians may be assassinated.
[15.0] First Crusade Additions: Unoccupied "neutral" ports are friendly to all fleets. Armenians have a ZOI only for the city they are in unless attacked. Crusaders and Muslims may move freely through the hex "outside" their cities.
[17.31] Clarification: Control of a city gives that player (and only that player) the right to admit or refuse any others entrance into that city. Other players' APSs may be given orders NOT to Defend with him, otherwise they are considered to be Defending with him.
[19.21] Clarification: The payment for Supply must come from the Field Treasury of that force requiring the Supply. (Players must grasp that this concept forces them to play ahead when splitting up their monies into different Field Treasuries.)
[19.27] Addition: Money inside a besieged city cannot be used for bribes except to give to the leaders of the force(s) besieging the city. The money is deemed to be trapped inside as are the defenders.
[19.35] Addition: Armenians never collect income.
[19.4] Correction: Delete last sentence as written. Insert: Bribe money is transferred from one player's leader to another player's leader -- without being transported -- but may not be used by that receiving player until the end of the next game turn. (Note: Four Crusader players, by banding together and sharing expenses, can use this rule's "play" to overcome the historical reality that the Crusaders could not get their act together and make a combined effort. Thus, intra-faith bribes must be transported and only inter-faith bribe money may be sent through the Bribery Phase.)
[20.0] House Rule: Once a player has lost two leaders or more to Leader Abandonment, future occurrences of this random event for that player shall be considered no effect. (Remember, it's lost! Not lost, but bought back.)
[20.11] Clarification: Remember that many times the rules seem to be written with the intent that all leaders of a player will be remaining together at all times. This is not the designer's intent; you may divide your forces however you wish -- just be sure that all of your forces abide by any effects brought on by the Random Event Tables or otherwise.
[20.2 Random Events #5 and #6] Clarification: The fleets may not be moved in the turn in which they arrive.
[20.41 (a)] Clarification: After all player movement is finished, the player with Visions may then decide whether to move one more hex. (In Play by Mail games, all players will indicate to which hex each of their forces is to move -- and under what circumstances.)
[20.47] Clarification: The effects of Visions last only the one turn that they are received as a random event.
[20.5] Clarification: Plague causes each player in the city to roll per [20.53] and choose which of his leaders' ASPs will take the loss although if a leader's ASPs are all eliminated, the leader is also.
[20.6] Addition: Muslim reinforcements are allowed to slip into a city under Siege.
[21.1] Clarification: Should two or more players' forces end up in the same city because they have elected not to contest one another, then, where no treaty exists to determine who controls the city, i.e. no commander has been selected, then this rule will determine who is the commander and thus controls the city. See also [9.1]. the players are reminded to watch the stacking limits when this occurs, for there may need to be a determination of who can go into the city and who cannot. For purposes of attrition, treat each force as one even when leaders are left outside the city.
[21.42 (b)] Clarification: Armenian cities captured by siege do allow for increases in Guile, unless that that player already controls the city by a bribe or some other means.
[22.21] Clarification: Butimides remains in the hex he is in, but his control goes to the new player for the next turn.
[22.25] Addition: There is no effect if cities are not pledged to the emperor.
[22.3] Addition: Should the Byzantine Army be brought into play, then leave when the Muslim force is out of the affected area, and subsequently re-enter player, they return at the same ASP and Treasury Level that they left with the last time. They are not "re-suppplied."
[22.31] Clarification: The hexes are 612 to 914, to 1212, to 1211, to 1410, to 1406, inclusive.
[23.22] Addition: Although a player may attempt to bribe only one Armenian per turn, he may also order Anti-Bribes for all Armenians under his control. See [23.0].
[23.34] Clarification: Bribe and Anti-Bribe money does not go to the Armenians; it is truly expended.
[23.29] Addition: Armenians may never attack, or be attacked by, the forces of the player who controls them. In addition, Armenians may not leave their ASPs behind; these ASPs constitute their own personal entourage.
[23.3] New Section: Anti-Bribes.
[23.30] GENERAL RULE: Since keeping friends friendly is expensive, a player may issue Anti-Bribe money to offset suspected Bribes by other players.
[23.31] Anti-Bribes must be in five Bezant increments.
[23.32] Anti-Bribes will be subtracted from all Bribes of the other player(s) attempting to bribe that Armenian.
EXAMPLE: Player A, controlling Thorus, makes an Anti-Bribe of 10 Bezants for him. Player B attempts to Bribe Thorus with 10 Bezants; this bribe fails since it does not exceed the Anti-Bribe. However, in the same turn, Player C tries a Bribe of 15 Bezants; this Bribe succeeds since it exceeds the Anti-Bribe by 5 Bezants.[23.33] One Anti-Bribe may be expended each turn for every Armenian a player controls.
[23.34] An Anti-Bribe does not count as a Bribe, so a player may attempt to bribe another Armenian.
[23.4] New Section: Reaction to control change of Armenians:
[23.40] GENERAL RULE: When an Armenian is bribed away from a player previously controlling him, the following methods are suggested as guidelines.
[23.41] If the Armenians is ordered to defend in a hex other than a city, he must have 5 ASPs or more and then he:
[24.1] Addition: If an Armenian is controlled by a Crusader, the Armenian cannot be overrun by another Crusader unless both have announced their State of War. The same is true for Armenians controlled by Muslims being overrun by Muslim forces.
[24.3] Clarification: Dissension is within that player's leaders and their ASPs. (Remember that each player is in charge of one "nationalistic side" made up of many individual and headstrong men. It is an historical fact that the bickering and in-fighting among the leaders of the Crusades had as much to do with their actual failure as did enemy forces. Should any of you doubt this, I'll gladly monitor a game with 53 people taking one each of the Crusader Leaders.)
[24.35] Clarification: The effects of Dissension last only the one turn that they are received as a random event.
[26.31] Clarification: When Antioch falls to a Crusader force.
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Alan Poulter/Eric Pass /Skip Franklin