From: Michael Mandelberg Subject: RE: New France 1944 errata/clarification I forgot to mention that these are based on recent emails from the game designer, Mark Herman. -----Original Message----- From: Michael Mandelberg [] Sent: Fri, March 28, 2003 10:14 PM To: Subject: New France 1944 errata/clarification I) From page 14, Combat, paragraph 9: "Units in one or more hexes can combine their strengths into a single value to attack one or two defending hexes, as long as all involved hexes are adjacent to all others." A strict reading of this implies the following possibilities: 1) A-D 2) A - D \ | D 3) A - A \ | D Any thing else would violate that all involved units must be adjacent to all others. However, I think that what was intended was: "Units in one or more hexes can combine their strengths into a single value to attack one or two defending hexes, as long as all involved *attacking* hexes are contiguous, and all involved *defending* hexes are contiguous." This would, for example, allow: 4) A - A / \ / \ A - D - A but still prohibit: 5) A - D - A 6) D - A - D So actually, I am confused, as I would think that 5) would be allowed, although I am not sure about 6). What do you all think is intended here? Answer: Your first examples are correct. II) The rules state no supply line can pass through an enemy controlled hex, that has no friendly HQ or combat unit. Then it says that a supply line can pass through an enemy controlled hex that has a friendly combat unit. It does not say: ... a supply line can pass through an enemy controlled hex that has a friendly HQ. Is this an omission? Answer: Good catch, yes, add your phrase.