Alan R. Arvold
The following errata is for the game SS PANZER in Command
Magazine #36. It is in addition to the errata that has been
published in subsequent issues of Command Magazine. While this
errata was sent in to XTR Corperation which publishes Command
Magazine, they have not seen fit to publish it and so this errata
must be considered to be unofficial.
2.2 Third Paragraph, Second Sentance; The word considred should
be considered.
3.3 The Soviet player wins a geographic victory if he controls at
least 7 of the 9 hexes containing the circled Soviet star symbol.
5.0 Fifth Sentance; The word updaed should be updated.
8.2 The only non-motorized units in the game are the nine Russian
Airborne battalions in the 9th Guards Airborne Division.
8.3 The total cost to move from one hex into another is either 1
MP or the moving unit's MCF. If a hex has more than one MCF
producing terrain type within it boundries, the moving unit must
pay an MCF for each of those terrain types in order to enter the
hex. For example a Pz IV crossing a stream hexside to enter a
woods hex would have to pay 2 MCF (or 6 MP) to enter that hex.
8.3 If a unit has insufficient MPs to pay the full cost of
entering a hex, it may not do so if it has already moved one or
more hexes during that Action Phase or is using a Move & Fire
action during that Action Phase. However any unit using a Move
action during an Action Phase may always move one hex even if the
total MCF cost of the hex being entered exceeds the amount of MPs
with which the unit has to pay in order to enter.
8.3 A Soviet unit entering a Trench hex pays 1 MP unless there is
MCF producing terrain in that hex in which case it pays a MCF for
each of those terrain types in the hex. German units must pay a
MCF for the trenchline plus any further MCFs for any other such
terrain in the hex.
Note: Russian Fortified Lines had minefields in them. As the
Russians knew where the lanes through the minefield were it was
easy to pass through them although they would still have to pay
for any other terrain in the hex. Germans must pay a MCF in for
the trenchline because they were taking their time groping their
way through the minefields.
9.4 Although the slope symbols are in one hex, they effect the
hexsides that they touch for both hexes sharing those common
Example: Hex 1913 has slope symbols in it. It shares slope
hexsides with hexes 1813, 1814 and 1914. Thus a unit in any of
those four hexes can trace an LOS through the adjacent slope
hexsides and beyond to the limit of visibilty.
Units in hexes that do not have a slope hexside can not trace an
LOS into hexes beyond the hex containing a slope hexside.
Example: A unit in Hex 1712 can trace an LOS into Hex 1913 but
not beyond it, visibilty permitting.
An LOS can be traced between the firing unit and the target unit
if both are behind adjacent slope hexsides providing that the LOS
does not pass through any intervening slope hexsides.
Example: A unit in Hex 1913 could fire at units in Hexes 1915 and
1816. It could not fire at units in Hex 1716 due to the
intervening slope hexside between Hexes 1715/1816.
Design Note: Slope hexsides show the sharp rises in the lay of
the land versus the gentle rolling terrain that the clear hexes
represent. Hexes actually containing the slope symbols should be
considered to be higher elevation or uphill from the hexes on the
other side of the slope hexside. (Hex 1913 would be uphill from
hexes 1813, 1814, and 1914.)
9.5 If more than one of the conditions apply, use the one that
gives the most dice to be rolled. The effects of these conditions
are not cumulative. (Example: A firing unit under a Kill Zone
marker firing at an enemy unit entering a ZOC would use 4 dice,
not 5.)
9.5 Soviet artillery uses two dice for both bombardment and
support firing.
13.2 The bombardment side is used during the Bombardment Phase
and the support side is used during the Action Phase. Note that
the bombardment side is the barrage side of the artillery units.