From S&T#167 Russo-Turkish War Map: The railroads in Rustchuk (2613) and Giuraeno (2512) on the European Map may not be connected, even using Mobile Supply Parks. Historically, the Russians had to live off the land once they crossed the Danube into Turkish Bugaria. In the game, this means attrition. Counters: The "Cd" result on the combat chits means the same thing as the CD result mentioned in the rules and on the Player Aid Sheet. 27.2a The 5-CF limit for exiting an off-map country holding area applies equally to units that attempt to leave but fail, and to those that actually succeed in leaving. 30.2b A force composed entirely of Guerrilla units can enter a Mountain hex even when not traveling by Railroad or by road. Any Guerrilla unit that enters a border hex of any kind is subject to demoralization, or elimination if it is already demoralized. However, this does riot prevent a Guerrilla from exiting a border hex for a non-border hex, and then recovering from demoralization. Historically, Guerrillas did leave their homelands, but suffered considerable disruption in doing so. The rule is designed to discourage but riot prohibit guerrilla movement outside a homeland. 33.2 An HQ performing Strategic Intelligence can be located anywhere, including an Off-Map Country Holding Area. An HQ can reveal all units in a single map hex, or one unit in any single holding box (including the one the HQ occupies, if it happens to be in one). 36.2b Riverine units can use either Normal or Forced March. The March Table is correct; the rule is wrong. 36.2d Riverine units are treated exactly like Siege Artillery when firing, but take losses like a normal infantry or cavalry unit. 36.3 An HQ can play a Staff marker for a Fleet and get double bombardment attacks just as with siege artillery. Scenario #l: The Turkish "Hobart" HQ starts in Constantinople (historically, he commanded the Turkish Fleet). The Russian 40th division begins in the Russian Mobilization Pool. The Russian 7th Corps starts in Odessa, not the Russian off-map holding area. The Russian Political Event marker (special rule #2) can be played immediately prior to the start of play, or can be held indefinitely and played during any Russian political segment. Scenario #4: The Russian 20, 21, and 40 divisions are the only units placed in the Russian Mobilization Pool per special rule #6.The other units are not in play, having been committed to the European theater. Scenario #5: Russian "Todleben" HQ starts in the Russian Mobilization Pool. Place one Guerrilla cavalry unit ill the Turkish Mobilization Pool, not two. NB submitted by John Kula ( on behalf of the Strategy Gaming Society (, originally collected by Andrew Webber (