RED SUN/RED STAR (S&T 158) Q: Can Soviet and Mongolian reinforcements enter north of the Halha River in hexes 1308-1314? (4.1) A: Yes; the entire western map edge is a Soviet/Mongolian supply source (10.1), and any hex along that edge can receive reinforcements. Q: What happens if the net CRT column shifts in a fire attack require movement to the right of the "35+" column or the left of the "1" column? (6.5) A: Resolve the attack on the "35+" or " 1 " column respectively. Q: Does retreat occur immediately after a target fails a Morale Check, or are all firefights resolved before the target retreats? (6.62) A: Retreats occur immediately, even if this moves retreating enemy units out of range of frienldly units planning to attack them in the hexes they previously occupied. Q: In Rear Area Bombing, how can the modifiers listed on the Interdiction Table be applied when the target is the enemy's off-map Support Point total? (12.5) A: Apply no modifiers to Rear Area Bombing. NB submitted by John Kula ( on behalf of the Strategy Gaming Society (, originally collected by Andrew Webber (