10/6/2019 - NOTE: This errata has been superceded by a newer version compiled by Don Johnson. Please look for "When-Tigers-Fight-Derived-Errata.pdf" on the Grognard site section for this game. From: DJohn37050@aol.com Subject: When Tigers Fight derived additional errata To: mark@grognard.com Hi, I derived a few additional clarifications to When Tigers Fight and assembled them in the errata file attached. Don Johnson When Tigers Fight [Command #26] =============================== 4.3 (addition). The Grand Alliance player scores one VP if the game ends without the Japanese having made at least three prepared assaults against town/city hexes in India. These PAs need not have been made by the same units; nor during the same game turn, nor against the same town or city. 10.8 Japanese Western Strategic Movement (change). There is no strategic movement on turn 1. Change the first sentence to read: "Starting Game Turn 2,..." 11.7 Movement & Enemy Units (change). Chinese untried units may move into a Japanese-controlled but currently unoccupied city without a Chinese veteran or US trained division if the city started the game under Chinese control. They are still prohibited from entering a city alone if the city started the game under Japanese control. Derived additional errata clarifications by Don Johnson 3.6 Japanese Garrison Requirements (clarification) Haiphong does not need to be garrisoned (even though it is marked with a circled 1) as it is west of the weather line. 6.4 Tropical Disease (clarification) Rule 13.23 Imperial Loss Precendence should extend to rule 6.4 Tropical Disease. If there are no Japanese units to take losses, then puppet losses may be taken to fulfil the disease result. 12.2 Procedure (for Infiltration Combat) (clarification) The cost of 4 MP for entering the hex is doubled to 8 MP in Monsoon (turns 3-8 in the West). This means A-A cannot IA on Monsoon turns and Japanese can only if they do not cross a river. 12.9 Resolution of MAs (typo) should be "Resolution of IAs". 13.3 Combat Procedure Item 3 (clarification) There is no modification of odds for airpower, rather the enemy takes additional loss points for each un-negated air unit committed, per rule 14.6.