GD'40 Training Scenario
Here is a written form (in TCS format) of the training scenario we extrapolated from scenario 1 of GD40. It is playable in one evening.It voluntarily adds one more turn of night to allow a little apprenticeship of night combat. Arnaud ([email protected])
Scenario 4.5 Is Stonne burning ?
First turn: 0300 15 May
Last turn: 0640 15 May (10 turns)
Map Area: All
French Information:
Set up:
1-3-205 RI: anywhere south of xx.25, inclusive.
2-3-205 RI, 3-3-205 RI, 3xFCM36 tanks of 4 BCC: w/i2 any hex of Stonne.Artillery:1-I-78 4x75mm
Ammunition: 10 HE, 3 smoke, 3 Illum.
No Prepared Defenses are allowed at start.
German Information:
Set up:
II-GD: along road north of point 235, inclusive.
1st company of Stu.Pio 43, 16-IV GD, a third of 14-IV GD (4x37mm AT gun, 2xtruck),a third of 13-IV GD (2x75mm Inf Guns, 1xtruck): along road north of point 235, inclusive.Artillery:1-I-73 4x105mm
Ammunition: 8 HE, 4 smoke, 4 Illum.
Victory Determination:
The player that holds (by actual occupation) the greater number of hexes of Stonne at the end of the game is the winner.
Special rules:
- Don't roll for weather. Weather is normal for the whole scenario.
- Starting with the 0500 hours turn, the German player roll once for both sides' air support on the following table :
One die
1.....No sorties
2.....1x Ju87
3.....1x Ju87, 2 x Bf109
4.....2x Ju87, 3x Bf109
5.....1x Ju 87, 1x Br 691
6.....2x MS406, 2 x Br 691