Brian Blad - Jun 10, 2007 9:33 pm (#7620 Total: 7783) Consimworld Expo 2008 Co-Host Thanks to everyone who made it to the expo! Tori and I had a great time seeing all of you and helping you to get the most from the expo! We'll be back in 2008 with some surprises..John and Stephani and Tori and I are already cooking up some ideas... For those who did not make the trip for whatever reason, you were very truly missed..Don Johnson, Rob Robertson, Adam Starkweather, Lance Nielson, Brian Youse, just to name a few... We hope that you had a great time! We look forward to seeing all the great pictures, and most of all seeing you next year! Brian and Tori Co-Hosts Consimworld Expo 2008 Charles L Ryder - Jun 10, 2007 11:22 pm (#7621 Total: 7783) Fremont, California June 6th Recap There were 2 games of June 6th this year. An experienced group of gamers were at one game and Rob Mull and I at the other. Rob got a decisive Allied victory on turn 8 of 13. We were able to get in 3 turns on both Wednesday and Thursday and the last 2 on Friday ending around 3pm. My Germans had a solid defense around Caen and out to near Villers Bocage. The Americans broke through Carentan, spearheaded by the 2nd armor, and tore through the 17th SS panzer division and was beginning to do the same to the 2nd panzer. St Lo was going to fall the next turn. It was the first time Rob and I had played more than a turn or 2 solitaire. I had a great time getting a chance to finally play this game for many turns to see how it plays. Jason Schmidt - Jun 10, 2007 11:25 pm (#7622 Total: 7783) "It's a crack baby. . . fool!" - Mr. T I'm just home from my Expo adventure and wanted to take a moment to thank JK and all the other organizers for their superlative work in herding geeks for a week; some of the most fun I've had in years. Also special appreciation from this gamer to Alan Emrich for his Banzai Auction of Doom (funniest man in the professional collegiate games educator universe, folks) and Chad and Kai for demoing Combat Commander to what appeared to be every gamer in attendance at some point. Rusty Dickens - Jun 10, 2007 11:39 pm (#7623 Total: 7783) It is only to easy, in dealing with ancient history, to let the intoxication with the millennia to make us careless of the years. paraphrased from C. W. Ceram Card Driven Games One thing I noticed while I was at CSWE, was that in the hallway there were a group of young people playing Here I Stand. They seemed to be enjoying the game. And yes, one person "running" the game. Well card driven games may be a way to get young people interested in the hobby. Well it is just a thought. Life, Strength, and Prosperity be to you Gene Alan Emrich - Jun 11, 2007 12:08 am (#7624 Total: 7783) "A ship in harbor is safe -- but that is not what ships are for." - John A. Shedd Lots more young people this year, for sure, and a very positive sign to see them 'geeking' with us grognards. The universal truth is that, "Good games are good games, no matter what media they are presented on." That auction was something else this year. I'm glad that so many of you enjoyed it and am very grateful for the chance to entertain you and sell a few of your games in the process. Totaler Krieg! and its Pacific counterpart, Dai Senso, got another good workout this year at the convention (the latter game in particular). It was very heartwarming to see our Pacific game blossom so much; the team is very excited about how far along our playtests developed this year -- two games from '37 to Total War, and on Friday and Saturday a complete campaign game from '37 to the A-Bombs falling over Japan; the game moves briskly and is a great 2-player 'puzzle solver.' Lots of interesting situations to wrack your brain over with Dai Senso and all its Politics in the game. I was also please to announce VICTORY POINT GAMES, the name of my small DTP venture to publish my student's games (and anyone else who is interested). I brought sample copies of Joe Miranda's CRISIS 2020 (an update of the GameFix Crisis 2000 game) and a Sherlock Holmes card game dubbed, I SAY, HOLMES! I know this will be a benefit to my game design students, but am equally excited about sharing publishing opportunities with all of you as well. Thanks, John Kranz, for another excellent adventure in gaming! Alan Emrich John Tex Teixeira - Jun 11, 2007 12:44 am (#7625 Total: 7783) Famous war movie quote X: "At home in America, when today reaches them it will be Flag Day. For us who wear the uniform, every day is Flag day" I had a good time at the con as well. I played Red Sun/ Black Cross (or Dog) as Barry Setser called it with Clayton Baisch and Todd Davis. Ted Racier schooled me in Red Storm Over the Reich,which looks to be an excellent forthcoming game from Compass Games. I also played Barry "Hidden Afghani Airfield" Setser in the protoype of Paths of Glory II (Near East Adventures). I didn't play at all on Saturday, due to a stomach flu, but I generally just hung around and shot the grognard bull with Bill Cooper, Nate Kilgore,Ian Schoefield, Alan Rothberg,Barry Setser, Dave from Seattle, Brian from Payson,John Setear, Mark Van Roekel,and numerous others. I really enjoyed the con,particularly Alan Emerich at the auction. There weren't that many rare games, but I was able to pick up an unpunched "War of Resistance" for $43. I also picked up a couple of deals in the flea market. The weather was beautiful,my beloved Sawx won two out of three against the Diamondbacks (and I was at the baseball stadium on Friday night). All in all, an excellent grognard adventure. Many thanks to John Kranz and all those who helped make Monstercon the BEST wargame coon out there. Jack Beckman - Jun 11, 2007 1:18 am (#7626 Total: 7783) Time's Man of The Year for 2006! Just back home (3 hours late, or "typical performance" for Northworst Airlines!). Had a great time as usual with new friends and old. I especially enjoyed having dinner with several of the regulars from the Wednesday night chat sessions - guys I've been joking around with for years in some cases but never met before. Even the weather cooperated, not running into the typical Tempe danger zone, so strolling outside was pleasant too. Thanks again to John Kranz and his team for putting together another fantastic Expo. Tony Zbaraschuk - Jun 11, 2007 2:09 am (#7627 Total: 7783) Playing GB2, designing OCS Italy I continued my ancient and honorable tradition of playing DAK with Linden Moore, this time from the Italian invasion of Egypt forward. We got nine months of game time in during the con, and (as always) had a lot of fun with kibitzers, kibitzing ourselves, and general conversation. I plan to return next year... Joseph Miranda - Jun 11, 2007 4:23 am (#7628 Total: 7783) Good seeing all the gamer folks at Consimworld Expo 2007. Kevin M. Kinsel - Jun 11, 2007 10:58 am (#7630 Total: 7783) There is only one true battle. It is never lost, it is never won. It is only fought. Cane- Kung Fu Awesome 'Con experience First I'll heap accolades to John Kranz for hosting the best gaming convention I've been to in my 30years of cardboard battling. A real first class guy. 2nd, the overall caliber of play and comraderie was unsurpassed. I'd have a bbq with any of you guys...! 3rd, the hotel was fantastic! The buffet, the break station, and location to other restaurants/bars create the true gaming "vacation". I may bring my wife next time too....I guess there's kind of a ladies group the spas&shops together..... Finally, receiving the Star Performer Award was a humbling experience for me. Something I surely didn't expect but am so honored by it. I will heartily re-double my efforts to give back more to gaming to validate that mention. Next year we'll strive to have two Empires in Arms game side-by-side outflanking and reinforcing! Kevin Kinsel Brian Workman - Jun 11, 2007 4:47 pm (#7639 Total: 7783) >One thing I noticed while I was at CSWE, was that in the hallway there were a group of young people playing Here I Stand. They seemed to be enjoying the game. And yes, one person "running" the game. Well card driven games may be a way to get young people interested in the hobby. Well it is just a thought. That was Michael Day and I think some of those teens were students of his that he brought to introduce to "our" sort of gaming. They also played Napoleanic Wars and I think Axis and Allies. I had a great time again this year (Thanks John!!) with a couple games of Fire in the Sky, a bunch of Combat Commander, We the People, Storm Over Arnhem(!), and a few others. It was worth going just to see War in the Pacific set up and being played, though when I checked in on them at 3PM Wednesday they were still bombing Pearl Harbor. When they broke up the game Saturday night I don't think they had quite made it out of Dec '41, but it was sure fun to watch. It was also fun watching copies of CC:E sprouting up all over the room like dandelions. Seems like Twilight Struggle did that last year. I got to try out CC:M and CC:P and enjoyed both of those so thanks to the Jensens! I'm already looking forward to next year! Steve Viltoft - Jun 11, 2007 6:00 pm (#7640 Total: 7783) Currently Playing: TS, FtP, HIS and War in the Pacific via Email. Thanks to John and Brian and Co for another great Con. Best around. Mr. Emrich can do stand-up as far as I am concerned. Hilarious as alwyas. Now all John needs to offer is a clone to work my desk while I am gone so I am not snowed under when I get back! Get to work on that for next year guys. Steve Viltoft Kerry Anderson - Jun 11, 2007 6:21 pm (#7641 Total: 7783) SPI wrecking yard - I buy/sell/trade SPI games and parts ( ) I would like to say that one of the highlights of the Expo was John Hill's attendance. It was a pleasure to meet one of the patriarchs of the hobby. Thanks again John and Brian! sysop - Jun 11, 2007 9:52 pm (#7642 Total: 7783) [John Kranz] ConsimWorld.COM. Mark your calendars for CSW Expo... May 27-June 1, 2008 Hi, guys. Another great time...I'm still trying to decompress as I just touched down in VA and have family visit + tons of work to catch up on back at the I promise to post a more appropriate message later in the week. In the meantime, I've sent e-mails to all who pre-registered for the expo to thank them for such a great turnout and atmosphere. Mark your calendars for 2008: May 27-June 1 !!! Patrick Roberts - Jun 11, 2007 10:39 pm (#7645 Total: 7783) What a great experience! I must say that since I started gaming and attending cons in 1980 that no other con was as fun, well organized and chalk full of good ole-fashioned wargames! Simply the best time gaming in my life. John and Co. should be given credit for going the extra mile on this one. We really had a great time playing Empires in Arms, even better was seeing old friends (Keith, Bill Shade and many others) and making new ones. The SoCal EIA group will be back in 2008 with more gamers and even more enthusiasm! This con made my year! thanx Pat Roberts Ted Raicer - Jun 12, 2007 12:45 am (#7652 Total: 7783) Xander: "Oh, I'm all run through with a broadsword. I have to lie around and heal..." Back in my day, which was about a week and a half ago, we took our lumps and we got back up and we cried like babies and quit and put on weight.' My first Monstercon and I had a great time and hope to be back next year. My thanks to JK, and to everyone who stopped by Red Storm. Ted Todd Davis - Jun 13, 2007 3:16 pm (#7668 Total: 7783) Last month: **2,200 Crunches** and 90+ miles on the elliptical thingie. I've lost 75 lbs. in 11 months! What's in your waistline? 8P Hip-deep in post-con work and life-catching up, but I wanted to thank everyone who stopped by to say "hi" to John Hill and maybe pick up a copy of CSU's Jerusalem. John was certainly excited by the number of true grognards in attendance and the number of games, both new and old, being played. I actually managed to play a little bit of Red Dog Black Sun and Arkham Horror with my fellow 'housers and even played in the last game of the con-Here I Stand with Barry Sester, Bill and Ruth, Luis Calcada (from Portugal!) and Gordon ___ (from the UK!). Of course we had Luis pronouncing like every name on the map, just to hear someone with a good accent say it! And, of course, thanks to JK and SK for putting on another great con (and getting to see little Cooper Kranz!). Tori and Brian Blad were no slouches either (well, Brian was--Tori did all the work!). It was great seeing you guys again! No big stories this time around from my angle....although: The "Strip Club" Cherry wasn't too bad as a pure dance/bottle service spot-it was pretty 'happening' as it were. The sights were half dressed and certainly entertaining. Going over a table at The Library to get our slug of a waitress to take our order certainly got some attention (mostly by the others who thought I was going _through_ the table top!). Not a chance guys! haha Bill and I taking a million-mile walk LATE Saturday night and hearing the life story of a sciso-homeless guy who really didn't think he needed the psycho drugs when he was in a mental ward. He did, but he's all better now.... Barry Sester playing bongos on Mill Ave. Saturday night (although that is Nathan Kilgore's story technically). The Piano Bar below The Library playing Led Zepp's "Carouselambra" from In Through The Out Door and doing a fine job of it Tuesday night. Meeting (finally!) Allan and Eva Rothberg. My kid Dakota really enjoyed the dresses I got her Allan and make sure to tell Eva!! 8^) Chatting about "How do you..." Qs with graphics people and people just getting into graphics. It was fun to share all the ideas together! Thanks to EVERYONE for making this another great con. I wish I could go to some other cons during the year, but then I ask "Why bother?" Cheers! Jason Pipes - Jun 14, 2007 3:21 pm (#7692 Total: 7783) Check out my latest book! >OK, guys, now get to the important stuff: What about the auction/flea market? What were the treasures, how were the prices? Acquiring minds want to know! Thanks! Ok, you asked!! Personally one of the main highlights of this con is the flea market and auction. I actively buy tons of games on a regular basis in an attempt to grow my collection to a respectable size and Consimworld has proven to be a great resource for that end. I get to meet tons of great people, spend time in a great town, play some great games, AND buy tons of great stuff. Interestingly enough even though there were many more people attending the convention this year the flea market and auction seemed smaller than last year. I assumed the opposite would happen. That being said there were still a TON of items for sale. I got so much stuff I had to ship a box home to myself because I couln't fit it all in three suitcases and one carry on! As usual the prices were generally all very reasonable and many steals were there to be had. I too found the auction to be a hoot and a lot of fun, but as much as I *LOVE* Alan and his auction antics I tend to think someone more knowledgeable about the games being sold would really help to sell games for a better price. And I say this as a buyer, not as a seller. A few games came and went with almost no description that would have sold much better had something been detailed. A few games Alan opened and described a little more sold for very good prices. Not a dig AT ALL, but just a thought... I walked away with about 100 back issues of F&M and Moves, a nearly complete run of Battleplan's, and many other random game review and variant mags. I found the first three issues of Vae Victus unpunched, 2 other issues of VV, 7 issues of S&T including #74 Ney vs Wellington which I've been wanting, and complete run of Game Fix. For boxed games I scored around 23 games, including Russian Civil War by SPI for $10, Guilford Courthouse by GDW for $5, La Bataille de Moscowa by Martial Enterpise for $20, Nato Division Commander by SPI for $32, a 1st edition Napoleon block game by Gama Two Games (later Columbia) for $10, a brand new Quebec 1759 by Columbia for $15, GMT's Barbarossa: Army Group North at original retail price, Storm Over Arnhem, Saratoga, Smoke Jumpers, The Final Frontier, This Accursed Civil War, and many others. A nice little deal I got was when I ended up making a deal with Kerry Anderson for Atlantic Wall by SPI. He won the game in the auction for around $70, it was listed as "punched and great" but it turned out the maps were all cut up. I made a deal where I paid him for the absolutely cherry box in near pristine condition and he kept all the contents. I have a copy of Atlantic Wall at home with a box more appropriate for the context he got so he sold his box to me . I'll be sending him my current box as well. That was a really nice deal and worked out great for both of us. Re: selling games on ebay. I am a player and collector first but I do resell both here on sometimes on ebay. I rarely buy on ebay as I find the prices insane. Ironically, that's exactly why I sell there. Without ebay I wouldn't be able to afford buying the games I do in the first place. I can pick up a game for $5 or $10 from time to time and resell it for $150 on ebay. Why is that a bad thing? If I do the leg work in finding and buying a used oop game, verify it's complete, do the market research to figure out it's general value and interest, write up a listing, and prepare to post it and mail it out, why shouldn't I be able to make a profit from it from people clearly perfectly willing to pay XYZ price? That makes no sense to me. Occassionally selling games helps me grow my collection and allows me to justify my obsessive collecting. Out of the dozens of items I got at consim I planned to sell off 2 or 3 to help cover some of my costs. I also did my part to help spread the karma, too. I passed on some awesome deals to other buyers, let a few other collectors know about some great deals I let them have first dibs on, gave a few things away, and even helped give a stack of games to a totally new guy that was interested in history and walked into the con on a whim never knowing about us or that wargames even existed. I made some deals, made some friends, found some great stuff, covered some of my costs, and had a great time. Isn't that what it's all about?