Joseph Miranda - Jun 5, 2010 7:18 pm (11074.) Mi Paul Just got back from the convention. Had a great time. sysop - Jun 5, 2010 8:12 pm (11075.) [John Kranz] ConsimWorld Expo 2011 ** June 6-12, 2011 ** Extra Day Added! Congratulations to Joe for all his fine work. Decision Games put on a first-class event and venue on Thursday night so we could thank him for all his outstanding contributions to the hobby. Tom Meier - Jun 6, 2010 12:17 am (11076.) ASL March Madness 2010 12-14 March in Kansas City - see the event folder on consimworld Good Gaming Sounds like ya'll are having another great Con - all my best to you. Jason Pipes - Jun 6, 2010 1:06 am (11077.) Now playing: 15mm ACW, 28mm F&IW, ACW board games Can't wait to hear about the auction this year! Please give us the details when you all recover! John Leggat - Jun 6, 2010 1:47 am (11078.) Auction Not too good. Big winners were an Iliad game (Conflict/GDW) and Case Blue. Nothing like a $200 game. Jackson/Corinth for $60. Alan was the best part. sysop - Jun 6, 2010 2:51 am (11079.) [John Kranz] ConsimWorld Expo 2011 ** June 6-12, 2011 ** Extra Day Added! It was a buyer's auction this year. I picked up Jackson/Corinth for $65 as I couldn't resist given how nice the box condition seemed from afar. Caesar at Alesia was in great mint condition and went for only $25 or thereabouts. That was one of the best deals had IMHO. The entire Third World War series from GDW (two mint/two punched games) went for around $125. Alan did his usual top-flight job as the auctioneer. Thanks as always to Brian and Tori Blad for all of their support in organizing the game auction. sysop - Jun 6, 2010 2:54 am (11080.) [John Kranz] ConsimWorld Expo 2011 ** June 6-12, 2011 ** Extra Day Added! STRIKE FORCE ONE CHAMPIONSHIP Congrats to our Strike Force One tournament winner, Vincent Aken. He was paired up against Pat Mulvihill in what was a rematch from our Strike Force One finals back in 2008. They are now 1-1 in head-to-head competition, as Pat took the title in 2008. Vincent won as the US player. They both took home some fabulous door prizes. Alan P. Murphy - Jun 6, 2010 9:54 am (11081.) "Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong." Chevaliers Templar Oath; Krac de Chevaliers, Syrie, 1091 >Alan was the best part. Thank you. I'll have you know I played no small part in Expo '10 this year. Even though I wasn't there, I was there in spirit. Finally, thank you for the kind and helpful Beda Fomm update, Mr. MacGowan. Definitely looking forward to the game! Michael Pratt - Jun 6, 2010 10:12 am (11082.) Those of us stuck beyond the limits of civilization (i.e. other than at Consimworld expo) as looking forward to hearing all the details of this year's expo. Tom Meier - Jun 6, 2010 1:11 pm (11083.) SL March Madness 2010 12-14 March in Kansas City - see the event folder on consimworld >Nice Shirt Design Hi Rodger, I like the shirt design, and sorry I missed this years expo both to pick up the shirt and Beda Fomm. I look forward playing the game in the future. Tom sysop - Jun 6, 2010 6:51 pm (11084.) [John Kranz] ConsimWorld Expo 2011 ** June 6-12, 2011 ** Extra Day Added! Expo 2011 Dates I may have spoken too soon yesterday as I'm now investigating a new scheduling option for Expo 2011 in Tempe, AZ. So to avoid any possible confusion, I'm going to remove my post made yesterday as well as the reference made to 2011 dates in order to avoid confusion. I'll be sure to announce the official Expo dates once I have final confirmation. Alan -- per Rodger's comments, GMT is the main distributor for Beda Fomm, so they will make sure they have you covered! Ted Raicer - Jun 6, 2010 7:40 pm (11085.) My history of WWI: Crowns in the Gutter, available through Decision Games! So, how about some gaming reports? Specific AARs or just more general stuff. Ted Martin Sample - Jun 6, 2010 7:43 pm (11086.) For every action, there is a reaction. And a Pikey reaction... is quite a f*cking thing. lost item Did anyone pick up a cardboard box with a hinged lid from the ballroom this morning? It had several plastic deck boxes of cards for Unhappy King Charles, Sword of Rome, Pacific Typhoon, and some other stuff. Martin Sample - Jun 6, 2010 7:56 pm (11087.) For every action, there is a reaction. And a Pikey reaction... is quite a f*cking thing. Crisis averted - just talked to Stephani and sounds like Brian has it. thanks. sysop - Jun 6, 2010 8:25 pm (11088.) [John Kranz] ConsimWorld Expo 2011 ** June 6-12, 2011 ** Extra Day Added! Yup -- Brian and Tori have it, Marty. No worries. sysop - Jun 6, 2010 8:35 pm (11089.) [John Kranz] ConsimWorld Expo 2011 ** June 6-12, 2011 ** Extra Day Added! 2010 Star Performer Congratulations to John Tex Teixeira of Charlottesville, VA. He took home the honors as our Star Performer for CSW Expo 2010. He has earned a gratis spot to join us next year at CSW Expo 2011. Unfortunately, he had to fly home last night, so he was not on hand when we made this announcement -- so we look forward to getting word to him shortly. John did a great job in treating everyone like family including some gamers who flew in overseas to play Third World War series by GDW. Runner-up honors this year went to Dan Holte in facilitating four big games of The Battles for Normandy taking place at the same time. Each table had different play results, so it was a real treat to watch. Congratulations to the both of them as well as several honorable mentions we shared with the attendees. As always, a great group of gaming enthusiasts came together to celebrate the hobby. Steve Carey - Jun 6, 2010 8:46 pm (11090.) Consimworld Expo: June 6-12, 2011 >Congratulations to John Tex Teixeira A true gentleman and ambassador for the hobby - 'Tex' is the best. My thanks to John Kranz & Company for another outstanding event. sysop - Jun 6, 2010 8:47 pm (11091.) [John Kranz] ConsimWorld Expo 2011 ** June 6-12, 2011 ** Extra Day Added! >So, how about some gaming reports? Specific AARs or just more general stuff. I have a feeling everyone's perhaps still traveling back home or (like myself) a wee-bit too exhausted to post any AARs at this moment. I popped two Advil's myself a few hours ago. I do know there were some nice remarks being made about Stalin's War during the event, and the two folks who won the game as door prizes were quite pleased. I think the game got played several times, Ted. sivaD ddoT - Jun 6, 2010 9:08 pm (11092.) My garden's first red strawberry appeared May 26th! And was eaten on May 28th. Delicious! Tempe 2010 Well well well....I get the first big post of CSW gaming and *other* events. In no particlar order.... PAVEuf got his goodie haul with a big stack of games at the auction. Awesome seeing you again! Played two games of Battle of Moscow (from S&T 24!)....two Soivet wins (one after three straight assaults on Moscow produced results of A1, A1, and EXC.....I took it, but it cost 22 German divs in losses....couldn't then hold it, could I? Lots of Battlestar Galactica games were played, everyone said how cool the game was. Campaign game of Here I Sit finished in 7+ hours between Joel Toppen, Barry Setser, Marty Sample, and a couple of other gamers (sorry I can't remember the other names!). PLaytested Storming the Reich with Ken Dingley.......August guys (hopefully!). Had a nice lunch with Jeff Tibbets and Ken Friday afternoon. Jeff had a finished copy of the Across the Pacific box and it just looks awesome!! Mill Ave was Hopping! Lance, the booty patrol would have you drooling like a crazed madman (well, more than usual that is....). Played quite a bit of pool Tuesday and Wed night....well, what I can remember of Wedday night (I'll let one of the other, non-kind souls pop up about what *I* was doing at 5am Thurs morning!!!!). I missed having Daniel Thorpe as my gaming partner for most of the week due to a family illness on the day of his flying out - Daniel, shall we try for a Beda Fomm game next year? So, I played a heck of a game of YALU with Al Snider (it was Al's first game), which we concluded about halfway through. You know, there is nothing quite like having a German player yelling "We will Crush you!" in a loud booming voice whenever he captured a city! Alexander Schmundt, you rock!!! I wanna game with YOU sometime!! THAT was priceless!! Meeting up with Dick Sauer and his grandson walking around Mill Ave., enjoying some well-deserved ice cream. Grandpa Time to the rescue!! Did I mention the booty on Mill was Incredible this year??? Nothing like coloring my hair all crazy (like I do) and getting Hugs from cutie 5' blond Co-Eds!!!!!! Man o' man, what a way to go!!!! Have I mentioned yet that I'm 3 days away from my 20th wedding anniversary? Time flies when you're having fun! Meeting David Bolt and getting to see his "Germany's Gettysburg game - sign me up!!! Once again getting schooled by "the two Marks" (Simonitch and Hinkle) in how to apply color (or, how to un-apply color in several cases). Thanks guys - I really couldn't have done what I have so far without you guys!!! I thought my STR map was 99% it's only 85% done (but wait until you see what I do now!). Listening in on who's picking up what contracts AND hearing what's in the pipleine from a certain desinger....OMG!! Some of you would kill to know WHO has WHAT ahead!! 8^) Having my buddy Aaron do the chaffeur routine this year instead of me!! This year seemed to be the Year of Over-Consumption by some.....I claim Top (dis-)Honors this year, followed very closely by ____, who Sat night was spoiling for a fight and more alcohol. We got the alcohol to him, but it happpened to be enough to knock him out before someone did! Considering he couldn't stand at 3am and had a flight-out at 5:30 am, I wonder if he's still sleeping it off in his hotel room now that it's 7pm here! Watching Dan Holte manage 17 guys playing THREE games of his Normandy opus and everyone having a Great Time. I didn't really see Dan playing, he just kept everyone else going.....way to go Dan! The "crazy Brit" Marcus giving me the Real Cure for a nasty hacking cough - schnapps!!!! Hooking up with Rick Galli and talking shop over my Verdun game until all hours Sat IS coming *sometime*. Coming into the gaming room at 3:30am Tues morning (after a Mill Ave run of course!), only to see Joe and Mark playing an electric guitar!! Hung around for an hour listening to them jam. Dam, but both of you guys can play!!! Alan the Auction Master plying his trade yet again......with no min bid, PAVEuf was 'in the running' for all the titles...until the bidding made it past $2.00....then it was a bit more problematical. More shortly..... sysop - Jun 6, 2010 9:13 pm (11093.) [John Kranz] ConsimWorld Expo 2011 ** June 6-12, 2011 ** Extra Day Added! lol...nice format of sharing your experience, Todd. I'll have to see if I can do the same when I can get a post put together. Joel Toppen - Jun 6, 2010 9:13 pm (11094.) I Support Arizona. I Support Legal Immigration. I also support ASL. >Campaign game of Here I Sit finished in 7+ hours between Joel Toppen, Barry Setser, Marty Sample, and a couple of other gamers (sorry I can't remember the other names!). That was SUCH a GOOD game! Went down to the wire, everyone had a shot at winning. AWESOME!!!! Justin Rice - Jun 6, 2010 9:39 pm (11095.) Ask me about "Impeach the President" The Here I Stand game was excellent. It was Joel, Marty, me, Bryan Collars, John Emory and Barry Setster, and was for sure one of the best Here I Stand - and gaming, in general - experiences I've ever had. Great con! I had a blast .... now if I could just get on my plane and get out of Phoenix, before this airport waitress talks me into one of these $3 shots they're selling! Ted Raicer - Jun 6, 2010 9:55 pm (11096.) My history of WWI: Crowns in the Gutter, available through Decision Games! John-I understand about the need of people to recover. I'm glad SW seems to be popular, and naturally I enjoy hearing about my designs, but I'm really interested in any game reports generally. AARs, detailed or brief, are my favorite Consim reading. Ted Joshua Gottesman - Jun 6, 2010 9:57 pm (11098.) R.I.P., Jerome Gottesman 06/20/1929 - 10/18/2009 >He took home the honors as our Star Performer for CSW Expo 2010 My puppy was robbed! Himeko and I are safely back in Las Vegas. My 1st CSW Expo, good lord willing and the creek don't rise, it won't be my last. To the one guy at the con who seemed a bit freaked out by the dog, my apologies if she caused you any stress. Other than that, everyone seemingly enjoyed having her around, watching her play with John's son this morning was absolutely precious. Two big highlights of the weekend. First was winning Remember Limerick as a door prize, I might not have had a lot of interest in the subject, but there's an 87 page historical commentary in there...if that doesn't interest me, nothing will. Second was unpunched Empires in Arms for $51 at the auction...Now the dilemma is whether I try to find a players copy to play, or whether I say "Screw it, lets play on this one (and find 7 wargamers in LV with a lot of time on their hands). South Mountain for $1 was a bonus...I love that game and haven't owned it in year. I was overjoyed about that purchase. Mark Humphries - Jun 6, 2010 9:59 pm (11099.) Manila, Philippines >South Mountain for $1 was a bonus...I love that game and haven't owned it in year. I was overjoyed about that purchase. Holy crap! =:-0 Ken M. Keller - Jun 6, 2010 10:02 pm (11100.) Not a Cylon. >You know, there is nothing quite like having a German player yelling "We will Crush you!" in a loud booming voice whenever he captured a city! Alexander Schmundt, you rock!!! HE'S A CYLON!!! (Alex won as the sole Cylon in 6-player Battlestar Galactica) sivaD ddoT - Jun 6, 2010 10:44 pm (11102.) My garden's first red strawberry appeared May 26th! And was eaten on May 28th. Delicious! More random thoughts..... Joel - you are were EVERYWHERE. You ran demos of what, 6 games, plus played another couple? Careful, you're going to challenge Steve Carey in the number of games played at the CSWE. Steve wouldn't like that. 8^) Hanging with Barry again.....glad you made it home safe pal. Next year is too far away! We had minis gamers show up Fri and Sat....looked like Flames of War in the main ballroom and Apern-Essling in the foyer. Missing Nathan, sitting in his usual spot, with Iron Tide and Salerno. Just wasn't the same without you Nathan. A really interesting-looking game called "The War" making its first appearance at the con (it may have been there before, but I don't remember). Watching Traveller play at Rhula Bula on Friday night!!! Got my Irish rock fix of a Led Zepp cover again (Kashmir!!). New cd too - it's called "Phonecia". Watching our beloved Sysop get to finally do something he always wanted to do - be a real honest-to-goodness wargame publisher! It was So Hard not spliing the beans about the entire project, which has been in the wrks for the past 8 months or so. I'm Really Happy to have gotten the opportunity to work with John, Mark, and Rodger in releasing the Consim Press' edition of Beda Fomm. Having my name on a box cover with Mark's and Rodger's has been a dream of mine since I started doing maps....thanks guys!! Rodger - the Beda Fomm box is HOT HOT HOT!!!!! That is the coolest looking box I've seen in ages!!!!! Watching several copies of Beda Fomm get punched and played!!! hehe Most excellent!!! Mike Resch and a couple of other players plowed through a dozen turns of Offence l' a Outrance - Twlight in the East goes to France. Wow!!! "That looks like a fishhook." Ian Schofield finally earning himself an Ace pilot in Dif, after only 7 years!!!! Way to go Ian!!! Ian Weir's new game "Remember Lemerick" - the maps just keep getting better and better Ian! I already have my copy. 8^) Getting to show Frank Chadwick MY White Death map!! Picking up the **TSR Library copy** of SPI's The Next War!! Helping Alan, Tori, Brian, Natasha, and Haley during the auction. The best place to be is on the stage watching you guys bid (and pressing PAVEuf to bid on everything)! Seeing Shannon, Matthew, Mark, Hope, and others play CH's Omaha game. I heard that Hope cleared the first draw! An auction oddity I thik......I remember about 3, maybe 4 bid wins where the $ amount matched the winner's ID number. Just seemed a bit different for some reason. "Tank Porn" and finally, but not last: Thanks for Entertaining ME!! I'm *possibly* the most bizarrre guy at the con , but I like to entertain people. Making people laugh makes me happy. Everyone was in a good, low-vibe mood, the food was good, and lots and Lots and LOTS of cool games were played. Thanks to John again for another awesome event! Nathan Kilgore - Jun 6, 2010 11:00 pm (11103.) Designer-Iron Tide and VCS Salerno Thanks for the update Todd. Makes me look forward to returning to Tempe next year. Patrick Mulvihill - Jun 6, 2010 11:08 pm (11104.) Great Expo! John: Thanks to you and Brian & Tori for another first class event. Every year it gets a bit longer yet goes by a lot faster. What a great group of people to spend a week of gaming with. I'm already looking forward to 7 June 2011. Pat John Tex Teixeira - Jun 6, 2010 11:15 pm (11105.) NORTHWEST PASSAGE: Maj. Robert Rogers: "I'll see you at sundown, Harvard." I took the redeye home last night and saw Mr. Jefferson's University and Monticello about 1300 today (I live about 4 miles from each).I had a great time and am truly humbled by the 'Star Performer" award, although if you had watched Hanno and Alexander play the Warsaw Pact and push their "panzers" to the English Channel in GDW's Third World War, you could hear us yelling " Fliegenaffe !" I'll share more when I recover from my jet lag. Another great time in the best wargame con there is, John Kisner - Jun 6, 2010 11:23 pm (11106.) I have posted some pictures at the link above. Somehow I didn't get pictures of Third World War, This Hallowed Ground, the 1914 in West test, Wacht am Rhein, and Dead of Winter among other cool looking monsters I overlooked with camera. I think it was cool that Battle for Normandy groups all passed the stress test of playing a monster game over the course of several days -- I don't think any of the games folded early. Tribute to the design and development, but also to the players involved! It was also very good to see Frank Chadwick again. Steve Carey - Jun 6, 2010 11:48 pm (11107.) Consimworld Expo: June 6-12, 2011 >Careful, you're going to challenge Steve Carey in the number of games played at the CSWE. Well, let's see... (5x) Battlestar Galactica, (1x) Napoleon at Leipzig, (1x) Twilight Struggle, (1x) 1960, (9x) States of Siege playtests, (1x) 2 de Mayo, (1x) The Fires of Midway, and (1x) Labyrinth playtest. That's only 19 games... hadn't realized that I was such a slacker this year! Joel Toppen - Jun 6, 2010 11:57 pm (11108.) I Support Arizona. I Support Legal Immigration. I also support ASL. Steve, I do regret I didn't get a chance to play your States of Siege game. I also wanted to play some ASL with Brian Blad and ran out of time/energy. I was introduced to some cool Euros and group games. This week I played: 1 x Monster--which was played to a conclusion--(Red Star Rising) with Chad and Kai Jensen and Paul Majoram 1 x Republic of Rome 1 x Battlestar Galactica 1 x Combat Commander 1 x Iwo Jima: Rage Against the Marines 4 or 5 x LABYRINTH: THE WAR ON TERROR playtests 3 x Dominion 1 x Endeavor 1 x Here I Stand (8 full turns worth) 1 x Solitaire game of Hue from Battles Magazine Not bad for five days, eh! Matthew Hayes - Jun 7, 2010 12:21 am (11109.) BookmarkEmail to FriendReply Na vojne kak na vojne # 1 * Bloody Omaha (ATS) # 4 * 2 de Mayo # 3 * Battlestar Galactica # 1 * Tank on Tank Very enjoyable con, both the games and the social side. More when I get home (and recover) sysop - Jun 7, 2010 1:23 am (11110.) [John Kranz] ConsimWorld Expo 2011 ** June 6-12, 2011 ** Extra Day Added! John "Tex" -- congrats on taking home the Star Performer Honors again. Great job! John Kisner -- thanks for posting those picts and the slideshow of CSW Expo. You got some great shots taken there. Steve -- I have a feeling you are in the running for most individual games played. Joel -- That's pretty darn impressive list of games played as well. Having Volko present for Labyrinth and his parliamentary game (for the Intelligence community) was a real treat. Pat -- congrats again on your second finals appearance in 3 years for the Strike Force One tournament. Nathan -- you were definitely missed but we hope to see you again next year. We know you'll have great success at WBC. Matthew -- Recovery Mode...we should add a "Recovery Phase" to the CSW Expo Sequence of Play. Todd -- thanks again for the great work on Beda Fomm, and most of all, for not letting the cat out of the bag for all this time. It was fun unveiling the new release with Frank Chadwick in attendance. Couldn't ask for more, really. Salvatore Vasta - Jun 7, 2010 6:57 am (11114.) Woodstock, VA (Shenandoah Cnty) >2010 Star Performer: Congratulations to John Tex Teixeira of Charlottesville, VA. Congratulations, Tex! Now that he's won a major award, I hope he's still willing to play with us little people. Sal Joshua Gottesman - Jun 7, 2010 10:04 am (11120.) R.I.P., Jerome Gottesman 06/20/1929 - 10/18/2009 For my first CSW Expo, I ended up not playing all that much. I arrived Thursday late afternoon and don't even remember what I played Thursday night (if anything). I might have missed a couple of quick games in my list below. Sleep deprivation does that (although apparently my 5 or so hours a night was on the high side for many attendees). Friday was Through the Ages and a couple of games of Race for the Galaxy Saturday was Hellenes and a couple of games of Dominion and the VPG prototype for "The South will Rise Again...Unless You Shoot it in the Head", a potential zombie Civil War game. Sunday was a couple of games of Dominion Did a lot of kibitzing and wandering around. Went to the VPG seminar on Saturday to wave the flag. Met a bunch of new people, saw a bunch of games I hadn't seen in years at the flea market and auction, and generally enjoyed it. Since it doesn't look like it will be back to back with Strategicon next year, I hope to make the full week. Alexander Schmundt - Jun 7, 2010 11:35 am (11122.) Hi, I enjoyed my visit on the Con. Nice people, cool games and alot to do. My first game was "2 de Mayo", main gaming was "Third World War", last was "Galactica". In TWW i was attacking to Istanbul against Barry. I only captured that city, and seeing his bomber attacking my troops, i was sure there was not alot more i could do. So i was pushing airmobil troops, now called "Fliegende Affen", around his troops to the south of Italy. With Hanno pushing his troops through Austria to the north of Italy this nation lost another war. thanks to Barry, Tex, Clayton and Craig for playing with us. I will visit this con again, maybe not next year, but there will be a next time. Hope to see You all again! I had a perfect time meeting You all, talking and playing with You. Alan Emrich - Jun 7, 2010 11:59 am (11123.) "A ship in harbor is safe -- but that is not what ships are for." - John A. Shedd Alexander, it was GREAT being with you at the show! The German contingent was great fun to have at the convention. Alan Emrich Rodger MacGowan - Jun 7, 2010 12:01 pm (11124.) BookmarkEmail to FriendReply >Shouldn`t it be an "Expo 2010" T-shirt? And not an T-shirt promoting one special game? – Alexander Schmundt Hi Alexander, I’m so pleased you had a great time at the 10th Expo in Arizona. When John Kranz asked me to design a "special t-shirt" for ConsimWorld Expo 2010 marking the "10th Anniversary" of the event I was happy to help. I offered my services for free in order to help John, and to continue my long support of the convention – it was my pleasure to do so. I noted to John at the time that this year also marked the "10th Anniversary" of the multi-award winning “Paths of Glory” game which I designed the packaging art for. I thought that marking BOTH anniversaries on the shirt was most appropriate. BTW, I just heard from John Kranz ALL the 2010 Expo t-shirts have "sold out" – the shirt looks like a "Collectors" item now Enjoy the Art, Rodger DirkHeinz - Jun 7, 2010 12:14 pm (11125.) Now Reading: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain The T-shirt seemed backwards to me, since every year previous had the games being played listed on the back. That and the huge 'ad' for PoG on the back really took away from things. Nothing calling it out as a special "10th anniversary" shirt at all. Rodger MacGowan - Jun 7, 2010 12:54 pm (11126.) There was NO "ad" on the back of the t-shirt – nothing was "backwards". There was no company logo, there was only my artwork, my signature, and the title marking the "10th Anniversary" of the game "Paths of Glory". As noted before, this was a "Special" event, and a "Special" t-shirt which I'm pleased to say "sold out" and was very well received by most. Rodger MacGowan - Jun 7, 2010 1:01 pm (11127.) 3i Magazine supports ConsimWorld Expo 2010 >Rodger, The C3i "Jena 20" games went out on Sunday as the "door prize for everyone who did not win a door prize." Everyone was a winner! – Alan Emrich Hi Alan, WONDERFUL to hear, thank you for the good news and ALL your help, sir All of us at "C3i Magazine" are pleased to support John Kranz and ConsimWorld Expo 2010. Sounds like it was another big success! Rodger Jason Pipes - Jun 7, 2010 1:03 pm (11128.) Now playing: 15mm ACW, 28mm F&IW, ACW board games >There was NO "ad" on the back of the t-shirt – nothing was "backwards". Roger, what Dirk is refering to is that in years past the long list of games played at the convention has always been located on the back of the shirt. It seems this year for the special 10th anniversary design the list of games was moved to the front (which call me crazy based on previous designs did seem backwards) and the Paths of Glory art work was added to the back. I mean no offense and no disrespect to Roger who has over the years given so much to the gaming community, and especially to GMT who has been exceedingly generous in their door prizes and support of CSW Expo, but I can't help but think the use of the PoG artwork seemed odd. Was PoG played at the expo? If not why link the two in the first place? The largest piece of art work on the shirt is for PoG, yet the shirt was supposed to be about the 10th anniversary of the convention not a specific game. John Kisner - Jun 7, 2010 1:10 pm (11129.) It's just a shirt, guys. And GMT, at least this one time, has earned pride of place for their wonderful support of the convention over the years. I took home a door-prize copy of Borodino a few years back, etc., etc. Rodger MacGowan - Jun 7, 2010 1:16 pm (11130.) Jason, What if the "Paths of Glory" artwork was on the front of the t-shirt, and the Expo title was on the back – would that be seen by some as being "backwards"? The "link" is that they both share a mutual birthday – "10th Anniversary". Over the years I had never designed a t-shirt for "Paths of Glory". When John asked me to design a "Special" t-shirt he gave me the "creative freedom" to do what I wanted – that freedom of choice was my payment for working for "free" I guess Cheers, Rodger Rodger MacGowan - Jun 7, 2010 1:23 pm (11131.) >It's just a shirt, guys. And GMT Games (and C3i Magazine , at least this one time, has earned pride of place for their wonderful support of the convention over the years – John Kisner Hi John, I agree 100%, thanks for your understanding and appreciation. We have supported John since day one with the Expo MUCH appreciated. GMT Games, C3i Magazine, and RBM Studio have tried our best to help whenever John asked for our help. I personally helped John with re-designing his ConsimWorld Expo Logo for 2010, creating a logo design for his ConSim Press company, designing the packaging for his first game release "Beda Fomm", and designing the 10th Anniversary Expo t-shirt. John, thank you also for your excellent photos of the Expo Take Care, Rodger Jason Pipes - Jun 7, 2010 1:26 pm (11132.) Now playing: 15mm ACW, 28mm F&IW, ACW board games As I said I meant no disrespect at all and I fully acknowledge what John also pointed out. GMT deserves a lot of latitude given their support of the hobby and of CSW Expo specifically. I don't think a shirt as you descibe would have been as jarring given past years designs, though I think it continues to highlight the oddity of paring PoG with the expo 10th anniversary. Ed Wimble - Jun 7, 2010 1:29 pm (11133.) KAWANIA CHE KEETERU, Motto on the Schuylkill 32 pounder... "I am master wherever I am." Sounds to me, with all this talk about how many different games people played at the con; heck, even giving awards for it, the character of the show is evolving into WBC in the desert. Are the monster games, in fact, being eclipsed? Rodger MacGowan - Jun 7, 2010 1:31 pm (11134.) Jason, this was a "Special" t-shirt design marking a "Special" event. I had no intention of creating a t-shirt design like those from the past. I wanted my t-shirt design to be unique. Based on our conversation here, it looks like I have achieved that, thanks. John Kisner - Jun 7, 2010 1:39 pm (11135.) >Are the monster games, in fact, being eclipsed? Heavens no, Ed. Some of us barely played as many TURNS as guys like Steve Carey played entire GAMES! I would guess over half played a monster game for at least the first three days of the convention (assuming you're will to call something like Red Star Rising or Napoleon at Leipzig a "monster"). Nathan Kilgore - Jun 7, 2010 1:41 pm (11136.) Designer-Iron Tide and VCS Salerno He's not the only one who is feeling that way. This was the only T-shirt I missed in 9 years and it doesn't seem that it was anything but self-serving. I personally don't miss this one much more than the odd light blue one a couple of years back. Now, if the infamous PoG designers name was humongous and hogging the frame, I might have liked it a little more. Dan Holte - Jun 7, 2010 1:41 pm (11137.) Dream for awhile of the things that make you smile - RJD I didn't mean to start a fuss - the crack was about a game missing from the list of games played is all. Nathan Kilgore - Jun 7, 2010 1:44 pm (11138.) Designer-Iron Tide and VCS Salerno Dan, Iron Tide got on there... maybe we need an errata issue... Rodger MacGowan - Jun 7, 2010 1:50 pm (11139.) BookmarkEmail to FriendReply >He's not the only one who is feeling that way. This was the only T-shirt I missed in 9 years and it doesn't seem that it was anything but self-serving – Nathan Kilgore LOL Tim Wilcox - Jun 7, 2010 1:50 pm (11140.) I always use the best strategy. Alas, the dice and/or cards are often against me. But that, of course, is not my fault! >Are the monster games, in fact, being eclipsed? No way. Eighty percent of the ball room was dedicated to monster games. The foyer was "dedicated" to open gaming, but that is not close to eclipsing the monster games. Rodger MacGowan - Jun 7, 2010 1:58 pm (11142.) >I didn't mean to start a fuss - the crack was about a game missing from the list of games played is all. Hi Dan, The "official list" of game titles was written, proofed and approved by a Mr. John Kranz. He's your next target if you can find him Rodger P.S. Having run numerous GMT West Weekend Events in Santa Barbara over the years I know how tired John is. Joshua Gottesman - Jun 7, 2010 2:19 pm (11143.) R.I.P., Jerome Gottesman 06/20/1929 - 10/18/2009 >the character of the show is evolving into WBC in the desert. One of the comments Alan Emrich made was that one of the reasons he'll always support CSW Expo is that its the only con without tournaments (SF One aside), which makes it hugely different from WBC. Sure, there were a lot of non-monster games being played, and sometimes its tough. The Great War in Europe game wrapped up by Friday...short of setting up another go at it, those guys really didn't have a monster game option. I (and many others) didn't show up until Thursday. Most if not all of the monster games were already underway. The con is CSW Expo featuring Monster Con. While its nice to have them there (and if I can get there for the full week next year I'd love to be in one), I think its great that there are other things going on. Heck, we even converted one wargamer to liking Dominion because we told him it was a wargame because it had attack cards, and the ones we chose included "Market" and "Garden." DirkHeinz - Jun 7, 2010 2:59 pm (11144.) Now Reading: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain >There was NO "ad" on the back of the t-shirt – nothing was "backwards". Like I mentioned before, 9 years running now, the games were listed on the back...this time they were on the front, and look a bit crowded, up against the "pocket" logo. >There was no company logo, there was only my artwork, my signature, and the title marking the "10th Anniversary" of the game "Paths of Glory". Actually, there is nothing on the back about it being the 10th anniversary of the game...just the image from the box, cropped and pasted. The ad part of the shirt is the huge logo on the right sleeve, not a GMT logo but Roger's logo. I do appreciate you doing the shirt for John on what was probably short notice but it is a little petty to keep mentioning that you did it for free. A lot of us do things for the hobby for free or certainly much reduced from the rates we would charge for our time in our regular jobs. The shirt did motivate Ric and I to come up with a design to submit to John for next year's con as this was my least favorite of the 6 I've gotten in the past. DirkHeinz - Jun 7, 2010 3:05 pm (11146.) Now Reading: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain To John K's point, GMT has always done an excellent job in supporting the con, from the door prizes, snacks, coffee and having knowledgeable people like Steve Carey around the con to teach the games. Lots of their designers, like Danny, Chad, Kai, Vance and Rick are there, showing off their games, answering questions, and recruiting gamers to play their stuff. DirkHeinz - Jun 7, 2010 3:09 pm (11147.) Now Reading: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain >You know, sometimes that 'ol saying "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say it." should be employed. So sad. In this case, silence would have constituted approval, and that wasn't the case. Alexander made a suggestion about the shirt and was told everything was fine, it was sold out, so it had to be great. It is an element of the con...if the lighting was bad or the coffee sucked, would you suggest not mentioning it too? Ed Wimble - Jun 7, 2010 3:09 pm (11148.) KAWANIA CHE KEETERU, Motto on the Schuylkill 32 pounder... "I am master wherever I am." "Eighty percent of the ball room was dedicated to monster games." Me like em monsters. Next year. Joel Toppen - Jun 7, 2010 3:47 pm (11149.) I Support Arizona. I Support Legal Immigration. I also support ASL. >It is an element of the con...if the lighting was bad or the coffee sucked, would you suggest not mentioning it too? Something of this nature I think can best be handled privately via email to John rather than publicly on the forum. An analogy: you could go up to John at the con and express your view on something versus going up to the microphone and expressing that view. Jason Pipes - Jun 7, 2010 3:49 pm (11150.) Now playing: 15mm ACW, 28mm F&IW, ACW board games The microphone at the convention is not meant for public discussion. This forum on the other hand is. Chris Taylor - Jun 7, 2010 3:53 pm (11151.) In life, man, you gotta learn to stop and smell the roses... unless you're being chased by the Angel of Death. Then you might want to run. -- Sinfest Down in Flames Just wanted to say thanks to Mike Lam, Greg Smith, Nick Markevich, Jack Beckman and Doug Sun (among others) for making me feel right at home at the DiF tournament. I had a blast and look forward to playing it again in the future. I ended up playing around 20 games or so of DiF during the Expo and that just wasn't enough. Dan Holte - Jun 7, 2010 4:26 pm (11152.) Dream for awhile of the things that make you smile - RJD >I had a blast and look forward to playing it again in the future. I ended up playing around 20 games or so of DiF during the Expo and that just wasn't enough. Those guys welcomed me with open arms too. Then they shot me down, and took target practice on my chute on the way down! "Good game! Here are your teeth." DirkHeinz - Jun 7, 2010 4:31 pm (11153.) Now Reading: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain >Me like em monsters. Next year. Missed seeing you this year, Ed...I always learn something new from you. >Something of this nature I think can best be handled privately via email to John rather than publicly on the forum. An analogy: you could go up to John at the con and express your view on something versus going up to the microphone and expressing that view. Point taken...note that I didn't make the initial remark. Oh, and thanks for taking the three of us through that game of Republic of Rome, sorry that my only repayment was bringing you up on charges Justin Rice - Jun 7, 2010 4:43 pm (11154.) sk me about "Impeach the President" Games played Let's see ... - Battle For Normandy, where I carried Dan's behind to victory. - Dominion, seven times, including three ganes Sunday. - Endeavor, four times, including twice on Sunday. - A combat commander scenario playtest once. Also spent a good bit of time giving Bryan Collars terrible advice in Through the Ages, and kibitzing Chad Jensen's Urban Sprawl. Joel Toppen - Jun 7, 2010 7:30 pm (11161.) I Support Arizona. I Support Legal Immigration. I also support ASL. >Something that I thought was WAY cool this year was the name tags. Having the icon on the name tags was great. Big thanks to Dirk on that! Yeah, way cool idea! Barry Setser - Jun 7, 2010 9:39 pm (11163.) DAHWGs (Dedicate Alt History WarGamers). Motto: WW2 is over, let it go already! Yes - loved the iconed nametags. Shame I lost my name tag halfway thru the con. Next year I'll just have a Cerberus jersey... Ken Tee - Jun 7, 2010 9:41 pm (11164.) "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." -- Revelation 21:4 2010 CSW Report 2010 CSW Report Napoleon at Leipzig (CoA) – French: Napoleon, Murat = Steve Carey Ney = Mark Kaczmarek Coalition: Schzarzenburg = me Blucher, Bernadotte = Doug Sun Barclay, Bennigsen = Darryl MacMillan (Result: French Victory) Triumph of Chaos (CoA) – Red: me White: Mark K. (Result: White Victory) Warriors of God(IGS/MMP) – English: Doug Sun French: me (Result: French Victory) Chalons (Folio game from DG) – Attila: Eric Harvey Aetius: me (Result: Hun victory) Patton’s First Victory (DG) playtest version designed by my opponent – Allies: me Axis: Eric Harvey (Result: Axis Victory) Keep Up the Fire (VPG) – solo (game on the Boxer Rebellion) playtest (Result – defeat) World at War: Eisenbach Gap (LNL) Scenario 5 (Leopards, Bears…Oh My!) – NATO: Eric Harvey (Result: NATO Victory) Soviet: me COALITION (A CIA wargame on Coalition Government politics) – lost to Lance MacMillan’s Socialist party with my Conservative party getting a bone with sending troops to Afghanistan. Strike Force One – I got an introduction to the game from Alan Emrich and lost as the Russians. Down in Flames: (see Mike Lam’s website) APBA Baseball 1984 Chicago Cubs tied for third place; Congrats to Jack Beckman and his 1986 Detroit Tigers! Playtested Greg Smith’s The Hunted (a solo U-Boat game inspired by B-17 Queen of the Skies). Sat in Frank Chadwick’s seminar and the Auction. Won Frontline D-Day (DVG) as a door prize Took home Beda Fomm (CPress) and Landships (CoA) – THANKS JOHN KRANZ and ERIC HARVEY!). Met Old Friends again from CSWs past: John Kranz Eric Crawford Perry Andrus Tony Curtis Todd Davis Jack Beckman Thomas Buettner Vance Van Borries Made New Acquaintances: Greg Smith Darryl McCallum Ian Schofield Terrence Co Volko Ruhnke Charles Locke Lance McMillan Roger Taylor (my Chessarabian Conservative partner) Mark Hendricks (our Fatherland party man) Brian Blad Robert Schroeder Barry Setser John Ells Mark Hinkle And the ol’ GMT West gang: Doug Sun Mike Lam Steve Carey Mark Kaczmarek John Leggat Jim Jones Charles Ryder Nick Markevich Chris LeFebve Danny Holte Joel Toppen Kai Jensen Chad Jensen Chris Janiec Robert Woodson Paul Marjoram Mark Yoshikawa As well as the CA connection: Eric Harvey Doc and Callie Cummings Dan Plachta Robert Flores David Glenn Alan Emrich Was impressed by: The Fires at Midway (CoA) 1914: Offensive a Outrance (GMT?) Across the Rhine playtest OCS(The Gamers/MMP) Labyrinth (GMT) The playtest games of the SoS series, most notably Steve Carey’s on the Pacific War. (VPG) The revamped Folio SPI series (GMT) The FOUR games of The Battle for Normandy (GMT) The Third World War (GDW) As well as the old reliables: RSS series (represented by This Hallowed Ground) GBACW series (represented by Dead of Winter) OCS series (The Baltic Gap, Blitzkrieg Legends) EFS Series (Kiev to Rostov, AGN, AGC) ASL series (Bloody Omaha, the What if?) SPI/DG monsters both classics and revamps (Wacht Am Rhein, Highway to the Reich) CDGs (Washington’s War, Here I Stand, Sword of Rome, The Napoleonic Wars) Area-Impulse/Storm series (Breakout Normandy, Iwo Jima, Deathride) MIA: Jeroen Koopman, Mark Humphries and Andy Lewis (maybe next time) Surprised due to absence: GCACW (Wasn’t Battle Above the Clouds released recently?) Europa or any of its brethren (Total War for instance) SPW’s Der Weltkrieg series (Osmanli Harbi anyone?) OSG/Kevin Zucker CSN series and the Napoleonic era(Besides our own NaL and Wellington’s Victory, not a lot of Nappy monsters this year) Thank you all for a great time! Ken Mike Lam - Jun 7, 2010 10:32 pm (11169.) Running & playing in the next DIF continuous experience campaigns Oct. 7-to-10 2010 at GMT-West in Hanford, CA! Quick AAR After a long drive I have returned to home base. I had a great time in another great Down in Flames event at CSW Expo. Here's a quick report until I can get a more detailed report put together in about a week. # 70 missions were played with 39 players and 12 new players who participated for the first time. # Greg Smith (Ephrata, PA) won his second straight Ace of Aces championship. But during the Expo Greg ended up losing his 21-kill Soviet Ace plus a couple of German aces as well. # Ian Schofield (Regina, Canada) finally earned his Ace t-shirt after 7 years with his USN Hellcat pilot. # Dick Sauer's 8-year old grandson, Adam Wildeman (AZ), had the most kills by a Soviet pilot with 3. Adam may have been the youngest player to have participated in my DIF event. # Rob Schroeder (Rio, Linda, CA) lost his 2-plane element on the same turn from Exploding Fuel tanks attacks in a game on Saturday. I won't say which player did that to him. # Four player earned the new version of the CSW Expo Ace t-shirts. >APBA Baseball 1984 Chicago Cubs tied for third place; Congrats to Jack Beckman and his 1986 Detroit Tigers! Six players took part in an informal baseball league in the inaugural CSW-Expo APBA Baseball League. Jack Beckman's (Sterling Heights, MI) 1984 Tigers won our inaugural championship with an 8-2 record. Tied for second place were Jim Jones' (Merced, CA) '85 Cardinals and Greg Smith's 2001 Diamondbacks at 6-4 each. In 4th place was Ken Tee's (Saugus, CA) '89 Cubs at 4-6. And tied for last were Doug Sun's (Glendora, CA) '83 Dodgers and my '89 Athletics with 3-7 records. We all hope to have another season next year. I didn't win a door prize for the 9th straight year! And getting Jena 20 as a consolation prize does not count! I was so busy that I forgot to pick up the new Beda Fomm game or make another visit to the dealer's room. And I understand there were other games being played at the Expo but I was too busy to notice and they didn't matter to me since they weren't DIF or APBA Baseball. Brian Workman - Jun 7, 2010 10:48 pm (11170.) For those looking for AARs... I played the Normandy expansion for PQ-17, as well as a regular scenario. (Details on the PQ-17 thread) I also had a 'monster' 15 hour slugfest with Bryan Collars playing the Normandy Campaign for Combat Commander. Photos and details on the Combat Commander thread. (15 hours and seven engagements resulted in a 1 VP victory for the Germans!) sysop - Jun 7, 2010 11:44 pm (11171.) [John Kranz] ConsimWorld Expo 2011 ** June 6-12, 2011 ** Extra Day Added! Just landed back today from Expo Land and was looking forward to reading some more AARs. Alas, it's disappointing to instead be reading negative comments directed towards or about Rodger regarding his t-shirt design approach on this forum. I guess payback for doing a favor for a long-time friend can be a real bitch sometimes; had I known this was going to be the end result, I wouldn't have approached Rodger in the first place to do a friend a favor. That I can say without hesitation. Let's please not lose sight of the fact that the expo shirts are my responsibility. Case in point -- there was errata on the shirt (caused by me) as one line of game titles dropped out (Battle for Normandy and Bloody Omaha...yes, I had typed in those titles in Illustrator at one point) -- and I approved the tshirt design (and I thought moving the titles to the front of the shirt might be a nice change...oops) -- so if there are issues with the shirt or any complaints about them, point your arrows in my direction, please. fwiw, I will personally be apologizing to Rodger over the phone and when I see him in person about all of this. In the meantime, as I am responsible for the expo shirts, I will be soliciting designs for Expo 2011 where attendees can pick and choose a winning design that we will execute for the show. At least I'll be happy to do this so long as we don't start taking shots at those who submit designs that we don't like. So if you didn't like the shirt -- fine -- that's cool (one guy told me he hated PoG, for example) -- so I honestly do GET the criticism some of you have -- but PLEASE don't take Rodger to task by assigning some motive he may have had behind it. We really don't need to go there. If we can get back to Expo AARs, I think that's what everyone here was interested in learning or reading about. Roger Taylor - Jun 8, 2010 10:13 am (11182.) "...they don't even know that each other likes pina coladas?! What, would they always panic and order Manhattans or something?" - Tom Servo, on the Pina Colada song >I played the Normandy expansion for PQ-17, as well as a regular scenario. (Details on the PQ-17 thread) Brian meant the Norway 1940 expansion of PQ-17. (With so much Normandy at the con, it's an easy slip to make.) The expansion will have the full campaign, but we played the initial invasion scenario. I played the Allied side vs. the Germans of Brian Workman and Paul Van Etten. It appeared that the Allies did somewhat better than historically. The battleships found the needle in the haystack that was the Scharnhorst/Gneisenau force, surprised it in the fog, and sank both before they could reply. Between that and other sunk German surface ships, the Germans landed only one battalion of Gebirgsjaegers at Narvik. An Allied landing there, along with local Norwegian forces, quickly besieged it. However, the Germans landed their other invasion troops with little to no loss. Southern Norway was secure by the end of the scenario. Other highlights included two British battlecruisers heavily damaged by German cruisers (grr) and HMS Warspite sunk by a sharpshooting U-boat she ran across (double grr). Other games I played: PQ-17, the North Cape scenario. Brian Workman's Allies vs. my Axis. Scharnhorst failed to locate the convoy and then was sunk - again -- in a surprise attack by HMS Duke of York. Tip to Axis players of PQ-17: Don't sortie with surface forces until you have identified all enemy heavy units! It's the unidentified forces that surprise you. 1805: Sea of Glory. Chris Janiec's Franco Spanish Allies vs. my British.. This one has a reputation as a long game, and it was for us; we had to call it about a third of the way through. But it was an eventful four months of 1805. Four out of six Allied fleets sortied. Only two of them were intercepted by the blockade on the way out, and neither suffered any appreciable damage in the ensuing battles. Nelson's Mediterranean Fleet had several ships damaged in an abortive attempt at breaking the Toulon fleet's line. So the Brits had some work to do. Nelson lucked out; he received reinforcements and caught the Toulon fleet before it could raid Naples, then Villeneuve lucked out and got it home with the loss of only one ship. However, Naples was saved, albeit at the cost of Nelson's life. Where did the British reinforcements come from? Well, the first Admiralty event was "Mission to the Bey of Algiers", which gave the British player the option of using diplomacy (via a visit by a senior admiral) or force (via an invasion) to neutralize the threat of Algiers siding with the French. I would have preferred to send a senior admiral, but all of them were commanding blockading fleets, so invasion it had to be. The invasion force was just finishing its mission as the Toulon fleet broke out. If it hadn't been there, the Toulon fleet would probably have successfully raided Naples, scoring the Allied 10 VP chit and robbing me of my 6 VP chit. The invasion had a price, though: it maxed out the Spanish manpower level several months early, giving me a lot more more yellow headaches to deal with. The Spanish Cadiz fleet was engaged twice in the Med and mostly destroyed. The Rochefort and Ferrol fleets went to the West Indies. I pursued with the Rochefort blockading squadron under Collingwood, but when the Ferrol fleet followed I knew I couldn't put up a very good fight there. After Chris outmaneuvered me and raided Jamaica, robbing me of my only good base in the WI, I abandoned the theater. (I had only a 1 VP chit to lose there; Prime Minister Pitt cared little for the Caribbean.) Had the game continued there was a good chance the British would defend the rest of their objectives, or at least enough of them to win. My 10 VP chit was in the North Sea with a dedicated fleet defending it, which was bad luck for the Allies. It was a fun, action-filled game. Hearts and Minds. Volko Ruhnke's Free World forces vs. my Reds. This was my first time playing it, and I'll definitely play it again. The Tet Offensive came a year late, in 1969, and it was pretty much a disaster for the Reds except I had the Nguyen Cao Ky event which, with the high ARVN casualties that year, caused a South Vietnamese coup. We called it there, with Blue 1 VP ahead of their target. (The game can start and end on any year, so even if you intend to play on, you can see how you're doing by checking the year-end victory conditions.) Coalition. Ken Tee and I were the Conservative Party, leading a very fragile coalition at the start of the game. As I expected, the Progressives immediately bolted to form a coalition with the Socialists, who had the most seats in Parliament. They played both ends against the middle, but not quite well enough, as the Socialists won -- albeit with the help of a Progressive defection to them. Down in Flames. I flew two dogfights Tuesday evening. I don't play enough DiF. At this rate it will be a looooong time before I make ace. Red November, in the bar Saturday night, with Brian Workman and Chris Janiec. The reactor blew up with rescue 2 minutes away. Famous last words: "The reactor track won't get up there in 5 minutes." All in all, a great convention. Thank you John, Brian B, Tori, and everyone for making it great. Brian C. Blad - Jun 8, 2010 12:37 pm (11183.) Consimworld Expo 11 Staff 2011 T-Shirts Lance..thought Todd was picking up yours? No matter as I have them at my place. For those that did not get but would like to have, as longas John is okay with it, you can contact me PM and i can advise on available sizes, etc. Cost would be $15 plus the shipping. When I've shipped all that are left (if they all sell) then I will send John a check for the proceeds. John if you're okay with the idea sing out please... Brian C. Blad - Jun 8, 2010 12:49 pm (11184.) Consimworld Expo 11 Staff 2011 Expo Experience Had fun helping John and Stephani get everyone in and registerted, making sure they had a good time. Played ASL, Twilight Struggle, C&C Ancients, Last Night on Earth, Strike Force 1 and Normandy Tournaments, Smallworld, Zombie State of Diplomacy. Auction- I believe it went well. More folks were pro no minimum than were anti. We saw huge piles of games on the Flea Market Tables and Still had a respectable number appear in the auction. Told all the sellers that we'd give them an opportunity to pull any item out of the auction up to 5 minutes before start time in case there wasany sellers remorse. I think that we'll stay with this format next year, not a single game left unsold in the auction. Was surprised at some of the prices, if Jason and some of you others who missed the con had been there, I believe prices would have been a little higher. More people = more bids. Had great conversations with the gang..there are way too many of you to list..Missed the folks who did not make it this year..hoping that circumstances allow you to attend next year so we can be at your service to make your gaming experience ROCK! Allan J Rothberg - Jun 8, 2010 1:13 pm (11185.) "Don't let the cows in the living room. They sing too loud." - KNP >Brian meant the Norway 1940 expansion of PQ-17. Thank you, that makes a ton more sense! sivaD ddoT - Jun 8, 2010 1:30 pm (11186.) My garden's first red strawberry appeared May 26th! And was eaten on May 28th. Delicious! Lance - If I was supposed to get you a couple of T's - Sorry!! - it completely went under my radar. Buzz Brian. I guess you'll just have to make it next year! T. Johnston - Jun 8, 2010 4:47 pm (11205.) Mr. Maxwell T. Renfield. The "T" stands for Waterspilling, Earplug Stealing, String Bringing, Neck Biting, Crusty Butt, Flopping, Trouble. This was my first CSW Expo and the first wargame convention in over 30 years and I had a great time. Thanks to John Kranz for starting this event. As I had a table in the front of the hall, I saw what a contribution Stephanie and his daughters make to this event. Cooper is probably the best behaved 3 year old (given the circumstances) I have ever seen. A huge thanks to Tori and Brian Blad for their quiet work. To see so many monster games in addition to all the varity of games, being played was fantastic. Other than a couple of times when I saw things that made me think "Didn't these guys ever get beyond grade school", everyone there was wonderful and giving of their time. . Special thanks to Keith Todd. Besides being a good gaming opponent without his encouragement, I wouldn't have come and wouldn't have had as much fun as I did. More Later. John Tex Teixeira - Jun 8, 2010 10:26 pm (11214.) NORTHWEST PASSAGE: Maj. Robert Rogers: "I'll see you at sundown, Harvard." Thirld World War AAR AJ, I didn't take any pictures of the TWW game as I was too busy keeping Craig N. from driving the U.S. Rapid Deployment force into the Persian Gulf....BUT, I will try to give a short AAR: Warsaw Pact AKA "Brezhnev's Buddies"-Hanno and Alexander ("The Deutschland Duo") and Craig from Canada Nato-Clayton, Barry and Tex AKA "Reagan's Heroes" Pre-War diplomacy: The usual suspects line up on their respective sides-Iran,Muhjadeen,Syria to WP, Saudia Arabia, Israel, and Jordan on Nato. Good news for NATO: Saddam Hussien donates 9 armored brigades, an airborne brigade and air unit to help Nato take out the Ayotollahs. Bad news for NATO: The Warsaw Pact commits its strategic reserve to the Persian Gulf region Also, Tex misplays the Jordanian committment card and they decide to stay non-committed.. Turn One-The WP launches a sneak attack ! Russian paratroopers are seen landing in northern Germany, Norway north of the Artic circle and the Turkish straights. Russian tanks (called "panzers") roll right over the RDF's trip wire and slam into Nato forces near the Rhine. Clayton fights desperately, but its obvious that Hanno has played the game before..several times.The Iraninan forces loyal to the Americans are chewed up by WP. Turn Two-The WP tries to knock Turkey out of the war by concentrating on Johnny Turk on both the Southern Front and Western maps. Barry holds on to Istanbul like its a cheap ten dollar hooker, but Alexander "I don"t like CDG's" continues to pound a cheap ten dollar hooker with his Romanian and Bulgarian stooges. The WP air force conytinues to harrass the NATO planes on all fronts, Craig "bitch slaps" ( a new slang word for our German friends) Tex around the PG.Alexander is also pushing along the Artic coast with his Spetsnaz and marines from the Red Banner fleet. Turn Three: Nato airpower finally appears. Barry hammers the WP at the gates of Istanbul.Clayton attempts to make limited counter attacks and wonders why Tex and Barry made him the lead in the game. The U.S. Rapid Deployment Force arrives in the PG and starts slapping the Soviets around. Craig subsequently pulls back in to the mountains and decies to commit his "flying monkeys(helicopter troops)" to chop up the exposed Turks and suddenly repentant Iraqis. Turn Four: The Norweigen sea is red. Low unit density contributes to a sense of isolation for Barry. Clayton continues to hold on, but Hanno as the Sovier has him in a bear hug and the French aren't helping Clayton much.Nato continues to hold out neat Hamburg,but more WP forces are crossing the Rhine. Clayton is able to extricate his forces from Munich, but Craig mourns the loss of the Hoffbrau Haus. Alexander captures Istanbul after a valient effort by Barry and there is a Mexican standoff (pardon the topic) in the PG. Turn Five: After a few desultory rolls, NATO concedes.Hanno, Alexander and Craig make the world safe for the People's Paradise. A lot of fun despite the whipping that was admminstered to us. BTW, the highlight of the game was having Frank Chadwick, the original designer of the game, watching us play and giving tips and rules decisions. Allan J Rothberg - Jun 8, 2010 10:53 pm (11215.) "Don't let the cows in the living room. They sing too loud." - KNP Tex, Ouchie! Losing Istanbul and the Norweigian Sea is not good. Trip Wire? Where the heck was the BEF? Does anyone read my strategy guides? Hold the Weser! Sounds like it was a hoot and a half, sorry I was not there. You making WBC this year? Maybe a game of VG's NATO is order. Barry Setser - Jun 8, 2010 10:57 pm (11216.) DAHWGs (Dedicate Alt History WarGamers). Motto: WW2 is over, let it go already! The victors took all the pics. I have a few from the WW3 ruckus. We were schreweled by the clever calculating European contigent. Get this - they actually had a few trial runs of their plan before showing up! Us Americans with our amateurish plans were no match. A good time was had and in the end - that is what it was all about. Having Frank about was just icing on the cake. Hearing the German generals pout in front of Istanbul one turn and then exult the next was simply priceless. I think there's a pic of a dead Cerabrus at the gates of Stalinopol (er Istanbul). Allan J Rothberg - Jun 8, 2010 11:11 pm (11217.) "Don't let the cows in the living room. They sing too loud." - KNP Barry, Did you use the air combat rules as written or did you try the alternate CRT I gave you courtesy Markus? Barry Setser - Jun 8, 2010 11:18 pm (11218.) DAHWGs (Dedicate Alt History WarGamers). Motto: WW2 is over, let it go already! Don't recall no alternate chart, so I would say as written. I did not really do much air - that was mostly Clayton and Primadonna Tex that did all that stuff Allan J Rothberg - Jun 8, 2010 11:43 pm (11220.) "Don't let the cows in the living room. They sing too loud." - KNP It's the same CRT, you just change the column headings. Instead of using Air-to-air combat rating as the header, replace it with the difference in attacker to defender air-to-air rating, and replace the column headers with -2 -1 0 +1 +2 instead of 1 2 3 4 5. It means two high rated units don't auto eliminate each other every time. Tex just called and gave me some more of the gory details. "This Hooters ist gut." sysop - Jun 9, 2010 5:22 pm (11234.) [John Kranz] ConsimWorld Expo 2011 ** June 6-12, 2011 ** Extra Day Added! Brian and Tori Blad This is way late in coming, but I'm still doing a lot of catching up since landing from the Expo. I want to thank Brian and Tori Blad for the hurculean effort they put in each and every time for the Expo. They had the floor set-up once the tables were configured and they made the entire experience as turn-key as possible for this very grateful host. They also looked out for others by handling sellers transactions (when they weren't present at the auction) and even finding an errant box so the rightful owner could stake his claim to retrieve it. Brian and Tori did a great job not just managing things but also organizing the game auction which Alan did a great job on. Too many things really they did that I can't mention them all...but I can't sing the praises high enough for Brian and Tori. P.S. ... and I still have many more people to thank like Alan Emrich, Mike Lam, Jack Beckman, all the sponsoring publishers, etc, I'm just getting started! Brian C. Blad - Jun 9, 2010 5:34 pm (11235.) Consimworld Expo 11 Staff 2011 John..stop..your making us blush...We do it for the same reason you of the hobby..the many friendships we've made, and to see some amazing gamers from around the world play some really amazing games! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to be the right hands! Jack Beckman - Jun 9, 2010 9:16 pm (11236.) Dare to be Stupid Finally made it back yesterday and recovering today from the drive from Tempe. A huge thanks to John,his family, and Brian and Tori Blad, all of whom make the con an extremely fun and smoothly run event. Also want to thank the hotel staff - friendly and courteous as always, and very helpful when my wallet went missing on Tuesday (thankfully found in short order). Once again I got to play a ton of DiF (where I think I managed to come in 3rd or 4th but earned one of the very cool new Ace shirts), and also squeezed in a few games of Battlestar Galactica(I am not a toaster!). Also had fun with the APBA tourney that Commissioner Mike Lam organized in addition to the Down in Flames campaign, and was glad to see my electronic scoring for it worked out. I finally found a dice game I can win!< g>. I even managed to make it to the "Final Four" in the SFO tourney (my first ever advancement from the first round aided by a BYE). Also got to see Greg Smith's U-boat solitaire design, The Hunters, being played, and it looks like a lot of fun. It was great seeing Ian Schofield finally win his Ace shirt! Ian earned that shirt over those 7 years, no doubt. Barry Setser - Jun 9, 2010 11:32 pm (11237.) DAHWGs (Dedicate Alt History WarGamers). Motto: WW2 is over, let it go already! All those game of Battlestar Galatica had me mystified - my local group absolutely loathes that game. Watching all those games at CSW had me totally mystified; our group must have missed something. Maybe all you guys were drinking something? Rob Flores - Jun 18, 2010 2:39 am (#11427 Total: 11441) Gaming at CSWexpo2010, We got our quota Let us recount the great time had at CSW2010, and remember the great playing atmostphere we had, oogling the girls, ordering that special DYO omelete for breakfast. Watching the roomate whose tired eyes mistake the earplug supply for gummie bears. Getting that 1,000 mile stare apperance on one's face by saturday. My better memories of CSW con 2010. Myself Stoping the germans in W.A.R. (with US favored rules for a newbie of course. Thanks to Mike Fallon for teaching me. Myself being triumphant stopping the Germans on the gates of Moscow in a WIF5.0 pickup game. Wait!!!...did that happen, no I just dreamded I held Moscow. The horific reality, 14 rusian factories destroyed or isolated....5 russian units left on the board at the end of July/August. 80% russian Airforce destroyed. What does one say to Stalin. (trick question, you don't have tongue anymore) I was lamenting all those other Games I din't get to play. I'm looking at you EuroFront and EFS. Also some I am glad I was not a part of some games and wondered if some players were kept playing those via crazy glue and dopamine inhibitors(no urge to flee) Anyway, John K still some very great memories of this 2010 event. And we should endeavor to remember them, rather than the negative. Volko Ruhnke - Jun 18, 2010 7:02 am (#11428 Total: 11441) COALITION For those EXPO attendees who helped me out with a test run of my parliamentary politics training game: I made a ton of changes to cards and rules based on that excellent test, feedback, and advice. This morning, I'm running the next test of the game locally to try those out. If there's interest here on the EXPO board, I'll post a summary of changes and how they went. Thanks again for the expert assist in Tempe the other week, and regards! Volko Barry Setser - Jun 18, 2010 8:36 am (#11429 Total: 11441) DAHWGs (Dedicate Alt History WarGamers). Motto: WW2 is over, let it go already! Re: COALITION >Running a test locally And where would that be? We're almost neighbors Ian Schofield - Jun 18, 2010 9:34 am (#11430 Total: 11441) "On the cutting edge of cocking about" Richard "Hamster" Hammond - Top Gear That was a fun experience, Volko, thanks. Ian sysop - Jun 18, 2010 3:59 pm (#11432 Total: 11441) [John Kranz] ConsimWorld Expo 2011 ** June 6-12, 2011 ** Extra Day Added! Hotel update While it would be nice to stay 100% focused on Expo AARs, fun times, etc. -- unfortunately, the seriousness of the security breach requires follow-up. So I have an update. I spoke with the General Manager and Sandi today. The update is that the forensic team is running a query now that will result in a list of those whose credit cards may have been compromised. They are then notifying the credit card company/banks who will notify their customers. The hotel will then notify everyone from the query as well on the list. The manager mentioned there is a set protocol they have to follow as far as notification goes and coordinating through the credit card providers, etc. before contacting hotel guests -- and these protocols vary from state to state. They have legal council in terms of dealing with the situation, etc. so they are in full crisis mode obviously on how to handle the entire situation. This was in response to my asking them about notifying everyone on their guest roster as a heads-up (as I did personally via email blast to all who registered for the event online). As the hotel explained, the investigation is ongoing but they are now at a point they expect to have a solid list of individuals impacted so they can take the next step of informing the credit card companies. I'm far from an expert in this field, so I'm not going to pass any judgement on what they are doing or why -- I'll just pass along where they are in the process and the explanation they gave me in the process they are still going through that will result in them contacting each hotel guest resulting from the query. They are still neck deep in the entire process; other than having taken steps already to at least stop the breach to limit the impact. Now they are fully in forensics mode.