Subject: Fw: Quick Gateway 2000 Report Scott Alan Woodard wrote in message news:<3jms5.17355$>... Hey all, I just returned home from a full day at Gateway 2000 here in Los Angeles, and I had a pretty good time... I say "pretty good" because the convention seems to be in desperate need of a "recharge"... Lots of events routinely cancelled, a lousy website, not ENOUGH events, etc. I did get quite a few games in, though, so I managed to have a decent time, and there certainly is nothing quite like being in a large room, surrounded by folks enjoying all manner of games (including (at times) a majority of European Games)! On the purhcasing front, I picked up "Battle Line" from GMT and while I was doing that, I asked when I should expect my copy of "Galaxy". I was told Monday or Tuesday, but when I returned home tonight, it was waiting for me here at the house!!! I played one game of "Battle Line" at the con and quite enjoyed it, actually! I also grabbed Tilsit's "Azteca" based solely on subject matter, weight of box and look of the components (pretty weak method of choosing a game, I know)... I also got a good price on it. I know Tilsit's stuff is not always that great, but I heard one enthusiastic review on the floor of the dealer's room, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I'll be sure to post some sort of short review after the first game. And because I've heard some pretty good things about it, I also snagged "The Hills Rise Wild" from the Chaosium table. Looks amusing... For great bargains, I walked away with a "new" copy of "Organized Crime" from ICE for only $5.00 and the deluxe edition of "Lord Of The Fries" from Cheapass Games for only $2.00! Monday's the game auction, so I'm looking forward to that!!! Later! Scott Alan Woodard