From: To: Subject: FW: Variant for Successors Alan, I am delighted to send you these thoughts for inclusion on Grognards. Thanks for providing a great resource! My one gripe is that the A-Z list for jumping to the game pages is in the middle of the (long) home page. Could this A-Z list be duplicated at the top and bottom of the page too, to avoid the scrolling down? ---- The following suggestions for Successors (AH) are designed to: speed up the play by streamlining things a bit, reduce time between each player's actions, and make the card play more interesting. In general the changes move the game closer to the mechanics used in Hannibal: Rome vs Carthage (AH). 1. Abolish the surrender and movement segments. 2. In the Tyche segment, each card can be used to do ONE of the following: a) place a number of garrison markers equal to the card value. Enemy garrisons can be converted if they are under a friendly CU, and count against the number of garrisons placed. There is no "free" conversion. b) be an event. The only cards now treated as a Bonus card are the "must be played" events, which give the Event plus one of the other three options. c) recruit a troop. I like the method suggested by John Firer, which is to roll on the attrition table in the column equal to the card value, with the result being the number of mercenary CUs recruited. d) move one leader. The number of movement points available is equal to the card value + d6 - leader initiative rating. 3. There should be some garrison losses related to battle losses to free up the board a bit. I suggest that a number of garrison markers be lost, equal to the number of the loser's surviving (dispersed) Macedonian CUs. This would reflect the decreased morale from this sized force fleeing the field of combat. Garrisons would first be lost from the province in which the battle was fought, and thereafter from adjacent provinces. The winner can chose which of the loser's garrisons are removed. 4. Increase the number of Tyche cards dealt to each player to seven. 5. A replacement Tyche card is only automatically drawn for a Surprise card that is discarded. If the Surprise card is employed, then a replacement is only drawn on a roll of 3-6. 6. Leader loss. After a battle roll of modified 9, the winning leader is only lost on a "6" whereas the loser is lost on a 4-6. 7. Major Campaign Event. This card lets you move all of your leaders. Each leader has a separate movement roll, with movement points equal to d6 - initiative rating (minimum of zero). You may spread the 4 movement points from the card among your leaders as you see fit, but must still move each leader one at a time. 8. Independent minor cities do not need to be besieged to be converted. They simply require a friendly CU, and the play of a card to lay the garrison marker, the same as for any enemy minor city. Independent major cities begin with 1 CU in them: this makes the rules for enemy-controlled and independent-controlled cities consistent. 9. All distances are measured in movement points, not spaces. Avoiding, garrison placement, and naval interception now all occur at up to 2 movement points. Independent armies have 3 movement points. -- Richard Vickery Our quest is for Meaning, \ / Physiology & Pharmacology but the meaning is The Quest. (oVo) UNSW, Australia ) ( ph. 61 2 9385 1676 Life's a Hoot! ^ ^