Wagram - A Historical Prospective
Wagram - The Game
New Rule Adaptations
New Scenarios
Additional Counters
Strategic Concepts
Aspern Essling Project
Question & Answers
Speakers: David Earls
George Deutsch
June 28, 1985
La Bataille de Deutsch-Wagram
Special Rules
1. Terrain Modification - Within the boundaries of Scenario #2, there is
a cluster of three hexes which contain woods terrain. The Swamp hexes
immediately adjacent to those wood hexes should be considered as clear
terrain. This applies to all scenarios utilizing this map.
2. Russbach Stream -
A. Artillery and Cavalry may only cross the stream at bridges.
(Exception: see 2D)
B. Cavalry may not melee or charge across the stream.
C. Infantry meleeing across the Russbach incur a minus 12 to their
pre-melee morale check dice roll.
D. Light Infantry and Light Cavalry which cross the Russbach in skirmish
order, must remain in that order for the entire~ game turn.
E. Infantry which crosses the Russbach becomes disordered and remains so
until the Rally phase.
1. (Clarification) Any unit which loses or has lost more that 50% of
it's S.P's from the original number of S.P's must subtract 6 from it's
pre-melee morale roll. (only)
2. (Addition) Austrian' Infantry Formations in line have their morale
reduced by three.
3. Delete the Imperial Guard Marching Band Morale Modifer.
Austrian Special Artillery Rules
1. (Addition) Austrian Brigade Batteries may stack with Infantry
2. (Addition) Austrian Cavalry Batteries may stack with any infantry
and/or artillery battery when unlimbered.
Cavalry Leaders with Special Ability
1. In order to execute a mass-charge, a leader of special capability
must be stacked with or adjacent with the charging cavalry. In Wagram
these leaders are:
Archduke Charles
1. The General Order S.P. limits for infantry in towns is 8 or one
1. The French Army may not start any of the scenarios in Road Order.
2. All units must set up on their respective side of the Russbach
(Exception: Austrian First Corps)
3. Scenario One - Oudinot Attacks Baumersdorff
(No Corrections)
4. Scenario Two - MacDonald Crosses the Russbach
Victory conditions (Those listed in Scenario 3)
5. Scenario Three Bernadotte Storms Wagram
A. Victory Conditions (Those listed in Scenario 2)
B. Scenario ends at 10:00 PM
6. Scenario Four - MadDonalds Hollow Column (No Corrections)
7. Scenario Five - Davout turns.Markgrafneusieal
A. Set up: Austrian Adv Grd starts within 29 hexes of A. and may start
on the French side of the Russbach.
8. Scenario Six - La * Bataille de Deutsch-Wagram
A. Set-up Austrian Adv Grd starts within 27 hexes of A. Aus VI Corps
within 15 hexes of F. Austrian III Corps starts 20 hexes from the edge
between D-D
B. Scenario starts at 8:00 AM
C. Victory Conditions French Marginal - The French Player(s) must
capture either Markgrafneusiedl or Bauniersdorff. They must also capture
Wagram. Put an Austrian Corps on Level One and place 30 increments on
the north side of the Russbach.
Special Rules of Scenarios Six and Seven
1. If the following towns or areas are held by the Austrian Player
at the end of any turn (Occupied by Austrian units or in their
undisputed ZOC) the French Army's Morale is worsened until retaken.
1. Aspern +3
2. Essling +6
3. Grssenzerdorf +9
4. Bridge Hex +12
2. Any units attcking units which are in Aspern or Essling must
check morale with a dice roll modifier of +3.
3. The Garrison on Lobau which was commanded by Gen Reynier is now
included in the counter mix and will be described later.
1. Neufchatel Bn. (6rd)
2. 2 bns from the II Corps
3. 2 bns from the IV Corps
4. 2 bns from the IX Corps
These units may start in either scenario on the Island of Lobau or within
5 hexes of the bridge connecting the island.
4. In Scenario Six, Montbrun's Light Cav Divison attached to Davout's
III Corps is available with III Corps units. Davout's Light Cav is also
incorperated with Montbrun.
5. Grouchy's and Pully's Dragoon Divs plue one Horse Battery are
under Davout's command but are detached to guard against the arrival of
Arch Duke John at Leopoldsdorf. They must remain off map until 10:00 AM
when they arrive as reinforcements and can be used as seen fit.
6. The batteries included for the Lobau Garrison are now included
in the counter mix. 67% of these counters are available for map set-up.
The other 33% represent the guns covering the bridges on the other side
of the island. The 18lb guns are fixed and may not be moved. Smaller
caliber guns may move, but never beyond the fixed fortifications on and
off the island.
7. Units which are forced to cross the Russbach but are not allowed
to automatically rout and lose one S.P. They then move across The
Russbach in a routed state.
8. The Red outlined hexes in Aspern & Essling defend with a fire
defense of 20, no pre-melee morale roll, attacking units suffer
pre-melee morale check of -6. DD for defender = 1 SP Loss but no
morale detriment. DR for defender = same.
9. Optional Rule for Scenario #6: The Arrival of Archduke John
Both Napoleon and Archduke Charles had the forces of John on their mind
during the course of the battle. Charles Grand Tactical plans were
based on the assumption that Joh would arrive in-time to help his
brother. Napoleon stationed forces on his right flank for that
eventuality, Since John and his 12,000 men did not arrive, they are
not included in the counter mix. But, now they are: Starting with the
9:00AM game turn, the Austrian player rolls one die and consults the
Archduke John Arrival Table. If the die roll in successful Johns troops
arrive that turn as reinforcements anywhere along the West edge of the
map. If the roll is unsuccessful, the Austrian Player tries again the
next turn.
Archduke John Arrival Table
Time Die roll needed to activate John
9:00 AM one
10:00 one
11:00 one
12:00 one or two
1:00 PM one or two
2:00 one or two or three
3:00 one or two
4:00 one or two
5:00 one
6:00 one
7:00 one
10. Optional Rule for Scenario #6: Intense Austrian Attack on French
During the actual Battle Charles had Reuss' V Corps further up
the Danube guarding against any crossings in that direction. These units
have been included in the counter mix and are available on the Map edge
between D_D at the start of either scenarios.
11. Scenario #7 Drive.for the Bridges
In the orginal game, the Drive for the bridges Scenario consisted of a
tiny game on a tiny map which was adaptable with the Campaign Game.
While this allowed the Austrian to push in the French left flank, it
left much of the only occuring every 3 turns and was very wanting as a
companion to the Campaign or the Scenario itself. Now, with the addition
of the large battle map, this scenario can be played on the same scale
as the rest of the game. This tends to recreate the true situation for
the emporer, that of two to three Austrian Corps breathing down his
Starting Positions:
Boudet's Div of IV Corps within 3 hexes of Hirschstatten.
Lobau Garrison (As stated in rules 3 and 6.)
Austrian: VI Corps within 5 hexes of entry area three.
Limits of Play: Only the New Drive for the Bridges map used.
9:20 AM III Corps enter Area 3 (Austrian)
10:20 AM Molitors Div (IV Corps) enter Area 17
10:40 AM LeGrands Div (IV Corps) enter Area 17
11:00 AM St Cyr's Div (IV Corps) plus Reserve IV Corps Artillery (Messana)
French Tactical:Hold Aspern and Essling and prevent the Austrians from
capturing the bridge.
French Marginal: Hold Essling and prevent the Austrians from capturing
the bridge.
Austrian Strategic: Capture Aspern, Essling, Gross Enzerforff and have
units within 5 hexes of the bridge hex.
Austrian Tactical: Capture Aspern, Essling abd Gross Enzerdorff
Austrian Marginal: Capture Aspern, and Essling
12. It was discovered, when researching the OB's for Wargram that
several critical errors where committed in the original set of counters.
Below is a list of additions plus subtractions of that fought at Wagram.
Also included are the optional Archduke John Counters, Austrian V Corps
counters, and the Lobau Garrison and guns.
Imperial Guard
1. Neuchatel Infantry Bn. (Part Of Lobau Garrison.)
11 Corps:
1. Two bns detached and part of Lobau Garrison.
IV Corps:
1. 3rd, 14th Chasseurs,Baden Light Dragoons, and the Wurttemburg
Chevaux-Legere Rgts. deleted. These units where on pickett duty away
from the battle.
2. Two bns detached for service on Lobau.
Cavalry Res:
1. One Horse Battery attached to Grouchy
IX Corps.:
1. Two bns detached for service on Lobau.
Advance Guard:
1. plus one Cav Battery 3-7 14 9
9 16
5 4
II Corps:
1. plus one Position Battery 2-4 11 8
8 23
4 2
III Corps plus one brigade Battery 2-6 10 7
7 26
5 3
IV Corps: plus Careville Freicorps 2-4 3
plus one position Battery 2-4 11 8
8 23
4 2
VI Corps:
delete one Heavy Battery plus one Position Battery 2-4 11 8
8 23
4 2
plus two Brigade Battery 2-6 10 7
7 26
5 3.
plus one Cav Battery 2-7 8 8
6 16
3 2
plus 51st Infantry Rgt.
VI/3 51 8 4 4 4
19 7 6 6
10-6 4-6 3-6 3-6
23 24 24 24
plus 31st Infantry Rgt.
VI/3 31 8 4 4
21 11 10
11-6 26 6-6 31 5-6 31
plus 3rd Wien Freicorps VI/3 3W 3
5-4 42
plus 4th Wien Freicorps VI/3 4W 3
3-4 42
plus 4th Mahr Landwehr V1/3 1M 3
8-5 43
plus Kottulinsky 1
0-8 1 1
Franch: Lobau Garrison (Additional Units)
7x12 lb Foot Batteries 2-0 18 10
12 16
9 3
7x6 lb Foot Batteries 2-0 13 7
9 16
7 3
5x18 lb Foot Batteries 2-0 20 14
14 16
12 3
1x3 lb Foot Battery 2-0 7 6
5 16
4 3
Reynier 4 3
1 4
Austrian: Archduke John
Archduke John 0-6 -2 -
-2 6
Frimont 0-8 1 1
Joseph Hussars 14-15 (5)
Ott Hussars 8-15 (5)
Hohenlohe Dragoon 7-11
One Cav Battery 2-7 8 8
6 16
3 2
Grenadier Bn CH 6-6 5
Grenadier bn GR 5-6 5
Grenadier bn WE 6-6 5
Grenadier bn ZE 5-6 5
One Brigade Battery 2-6 6 6
4 26
2 2
One Position Battery 2-4 10 7
7 26
5 3
Colleredo 0-8 3
1 3
Alvinczy IR#19 17-6 8 (2) 6-6 4 5-6 4
32 11 10
22 23 23
IR#61 16-6 8 (2) 5-6 4 6-6 4
29 9 11
31 32 32
One Brigade Battery 2-6 10 7
7 26
5 3
Jellacic 0-8 1
- 1
IR#32 16-6 8 (2) 5-6 4 6-6 4
29 9 11
31 32 32
Wasa Grenz 16-8 12 (2) 5-8 6 2 6-8 6 2
26 8 10
21 21 21
One Brigade Battery 2-6 10 7
7 26
5 3
IR#62 16-6 8 (2) 5-6 4 6-6 4
29 9 11
31 32 32
Babal Grenz #10 6-8 6 2
One Brigade Battery 2-6 6 6
4 26
2 2
Two Position Battery 2-4 15 9
10 21
5 3
Austrian V Corps Reuss-Plauen
Reuss-Plauen 0-8 1 1
IR#55 11-6 8 6-6 4 5-6 4
20 11 9
26 31 31
IR#9 22-6 8 (2) 7-6 4 8-6 4
40 13 14
26 31 31
3rd Brun LW 5-5 3
Two Brigade Batteries 2-6 10 7
7 26
5 3
IR#29 17-6 8 (2) 6-6 4 5-6 4
31 11 9
24 25 25
5th Wein FW bn 5-4 3
3rd Jager bn 7-7 6 2
4th Jager bt, 6-7 6 2
3rd Uhlans 14-14
39 +5
Cav Battery (one) 2-7 8 8
6 16
3 2
Two Postion Batteries 2-4 15 9
10 21
5 3
NB submitted by John Kula ([email protected])
on behalf of the Strategy Gaming Society
originally collected by Andrew Webber
([email protected])