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Spotlight Articles

Outstanding articles that are not necessarily linked to one particular game, but may have broad appeal to gamers.

Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly 11-13 October

Spotlight Article Graphic

Join the Dragoons for an event with "...multiple tables for wargaming events, plus a large table for all-day monster wargaming across extended sessions."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 9/3/2024

test spot date

test spot date

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 4/29/2024

History of Wargaming

Spotlight Article Graphic

One of our Grognard members kindly submitted a scan of a fascinating early article about wargaming. The article is The History of Wargaming, by Martin Campion and Steven Patrick, and was in Strategy & Tactics, 1972, issue 33 used with permission from Decision Games.

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 4/4/2023

Campaigning and fast play WWII tactical rules

Spotlight Article Graphic

"The rules provided by Matt are designed to allow the fast play needed to cover so much potential action, so that friends can complete their campaign in a day." Norm Smith, in Battlefields & Warriors, checks out a fast play campaign system offered by Matt Irsik in Warning Order, which is a free, online wargames journal. Check out the action in Norm's test run through, and why he concludes that "…Matt has provided us with an engine that gets things moving and helps ensure that a campaign can be fought through relatively quickly to a conclusion."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 8/10/2022

Test ADM420.5 Text

Test ADM420.5 Commentary future article

Poster: Pat L.
Post Date: 6/26/2022

Poster: Pat L.
Post Date: 6/22/2022

Poster: Pat L.
Post Date: 5/26/2022

More Spotlight articles...

Gaming Conventions

Gaming Conventions

Another new feature for Grognard.com, the Gaming Convention calendar will make it a snap to keep up with all the latest gaming conventions in your area. But we need your gaming convention information, so please contribute.

Grognard News

Grognard Challenge - Expanded Room for Comments! (6/25/2023)

The Comments entry area has been resized to 512 characters.

Grognard Originals

In addition to our links to great content all around the internet, expect to see more Grognard.com "originals" in the future.

This is an original articl

Test to see how original articles work

A Close Look at a Neglected Gem

Long overdue review of Victory Games' "Central America: America's Backyard War", written by Mark D.. In depth review covering rules, game features, and scenarios (one of the highlights of the game). Editor's note: I've been playing this game again after a long, long time, so I felt this article was worth re-publishing to maybe spark interest in the game...

Falling Sky - Perfect Opening Moves - Roman (updated)

Is there such a thing as a "Perfect Opening Move" in any of GMT's COIN Series games? Mark D. shares his idea of a "perfect" opening turn for the Romans in Falling Sky. Enjoy.

Editor's note added on 5/15/2021.

Higlanders - Scenario for Vietnam: 1965-1975

Experimental scenario for Vietnam: 1965-1975 created and shared by Mark D'Agosta.

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Grognard Challenge

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Wargaming - General Info

Board Wargames

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Board Games

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  Game/Publisher Article Info
Game: Legion

Publisher: Society of Ancients
Game Type: Board
Date: 9/28/2024
Poster: Pat L.
Article with Links

Test for linked games that are unrelated to this game using a pub date in the future.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Legion

Publisher: Society of Ancients
Game Type: Board
Date: 9/28/2024
Poster: Pat L.
Article with Links

Test for linked games that are unrelated to this game using a pub date in the future.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Legion

Publisher: Society of Ancients
Game Type: Board
Date: 9/28/2024
Poster: Pat L.
Games in History Education Project (free wargames)

Linked to games that are unrelated for convenience, using the system date as the starting point, and with oddly assigned link dates.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Rebel Fury: Six Battles from the Campaigns of Chancellorsville and Chickamauga

Publisher: GMT Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 9/18/2024 8:15:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt
Strategy & Training Materials for Rebel Fury

GMT Games has provided us a great list of links for getting into this highly regarded Mark Herman American Civil War game! In addition to the link above, check out:

Teach & Play for Rebel Fury

Rebel Fury - Exclusive Rules Teach and Playthrough with Mark Herman

Rebel Fury: How To Play - Mark Herman

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Test - Article Pub Date

Game Type: Board
Date: 6/22/2024 2:26:00 PM
Poster: Pat L.
Another blank Pub Date Test

Second generation test for this change. The first change forced the system date and time if the user had a typo in the Pub Date field. This change gives an error message if the Pub Date is not formatted correctly.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Test - Article Pub Date

Game Type: Board
Date: 6/21/2024 2:11:00 PM
Poster: Pat L.
Bad Date Format

Use this to test bad date fomat 13/01/2024 02:10 PM June/01/2024 02:10 PM 06/32/2024 02:10 PM 06/2A/2024 02:10 PM 06/21/20B4 02:10 PM 06/21/2024 25:10 PM 06/21/2024 2:61 PM 06/21/2024 2:11 QM 0621/2024 2:11 PM 06/21!2024 2:11 PM 06/21/2024 211 PM 06/00/2024 2:11 PM Good Date: 06/21/2024 2:11 PM

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Grognard Challenge Time!

Date: 6/7/2024 11:30:00 AM
New Challenge Clues! Last Challenge Results!

See the graphic clues for the new ([NewDate]) Challenge and the winners for the last Challenge.
Game: Test pdf upload

Publisher: 1939 Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 6/6/2024 2:07:00 PM
Poster: Pat L.
Uploaded pdf

This is the rticle for the uploaded pdf.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: 1950: The Forgotten War

Series: 2140 Series and Procedural Combat Series
Publisher: Conflict Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 5/25/2024 9:47:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
VASSAL Module for 1950: The Forgotten War

Here is a module for 1950: The Forgotten War courtesy of Conflict Simulations LLC. VASSAL is a game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games and card games. A growing list of game Modules is available at the web site and at web sites for some game publishers. Players can play solitaire off-line, play live on the Internet or play by email. Vassal runs on all platforms, and is free, open-source software.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Test - Article Pub Date

Game Type: Board
Date: 5/17/2024 9:29:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Test Blank Article Pub Date

The Pub Date was left blank when this article was created on 5/10/24 09:28 AM.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: EastFront: The War in Russia 1941-45

Publisher: Columbia Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 5/17/2024
Poster: Pat L.
Linked Game Test system date

Some linked games.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Battle for Gettysburg: The First Day

Publisher: Chris Harding Simulations
Game Type: Board
Date: 5/15/2024 11:56:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt
Grognard Hosted

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Battle for Gettysburg: The First Day

Publisher: Chris Harding Simulations
Game Type: Board
Date: 5/15/2024 11:51:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Battle for Gettysburg: The First Day

Publisher: Chris Harding Simulations
Game Type: Board
Date: 5/15/2024 11:47:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Test - Test Link URL

Game Type: Board
Date: 5/10/2024 9:53:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Test - Test Article Link URL button

This article tests the Test Link URL button.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Test - Article Pub Date

Game Type: Board
Date: 5/10/2024 9:20:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.

The Pub Date was left blank when this article was created on 5/9/24 09:15 AM

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Test - Article Pub Date

Game Type: Board
Date: 5/10/2024 9:20:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Pub Date blank test

The Pub Date was left blank when this article was created on 5/9/24 09:15 AM

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Test - Article Pub Date

Game Type: Board
Date: 5/10/2024 9:16:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.

The Pub Date was left blank when this article was created on 5/9/24 09:15 AM

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Firefight

Publisher: TSR
Game Type: Board
Date: 4/29/2024 1:04:00 PM
Poster: Doug Holt


Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Firefight

Publisher: TSR
Game Type: Board
Date: 4/23/2024 1:00:00 PM
Poster: Doug Holt


Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: A Mighty Fortress

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Board
Date: 3/21/2024
Poster: Doug Holt


Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: A Mighty Fortress

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Board
Date: 11/25/2023 11:59:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt


Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Blocks in the East

Publisher: VentoNuovo Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 11/25/2023 6:00:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt
Interview with Dr. Emanuele Santandrea of VentoNuovo Games

"The graphics were already good, but we have further improved them, bringing them to stellar levels...". Grognard.com interviews Dr. Emanuele Santandrea of VentoNuovo Games, with some interesting insights into what's new and how things are with the company these days.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Blocks in Afrika

Publisher: VentoNuovo Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 11/6/2023 9:30:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt
Image Test

Image Test

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Empires of the Middle Ages

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Board
Date: 11/1/2023
Poster: Pat L.
Linked Game Test system date

Some linked games.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Landships!

Publisher: Clash of Arms
Game Type: Board
Date: 11/1/2023
Poster: Pat L.
Article with Links

Test for linked games that are unrelated to this game using a pub date in the future.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Landships!

Publisher: Clash of Arms
Game Type: Board
Date: 11/1/2023
Poster: Pat L.
Article with Links

Test for linked games that are unrelated to this game using a pub date in the future.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Landships!

Publisher: Clash of Arms
Game Type: Board
Date: 11/1/2023
Poster: Pat L.
Games in History Education Project (free wargames)

Linked to games that are unrelated for convenience, using the system date as the starting point, and with oddly assigned link dates.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Normandy '44

Publisher: HPS Simulations
Game Type: Computer
Date: 11/1/2023
Poster: Pat L.
Add article with linked articles to existing game

Article for existing game with linked articles.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Echelons of Fire/Fury

Publisher: Medallion Simulations
Game Type: Board
Date: 10/8/2023
Poster: Pat L.
Linked Game Test system date

Some linked games.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: La Valee De La Mort

Publisher: Against the Odds
Game Type: Board
Date: 10/3/2023
Poster: Pat L.
Article with Links

Test for linked games that are unrelated to this game using a pub date in the future.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: La Valee De La Mort

Publisher: Against the Odds
Game Type: Board
Date: 10/3/2023
Poster: Pat L.
Article with Links

Test for linked games that are unrelated to this game using a pub date in the future.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Lost Battles

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Magazine
Date: 10/2/2023
Poster: Doug Holt


Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Lost Battles

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Magazine
Date: 10/2/2023
Poster: Doug Holt


Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Lost Battles

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Magazine
Date: 10/2/2023
Poster: Doug Holt


Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Lost Battles

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Magazine
Date: 10/2/2023
Poster: Doug Holt


Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Test Game with linked games

Series: Test Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 10/1/2023 1:41:00 PM
Poster: Pat L.
Linked Game Test system date

Some linked games.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: El Alamein: Battles in North Africa 1942

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Board
Date: 10/1/2023
Poster: Pat L.
Linked Game Test system date

Some linked games.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Combined Arms: Combat Operations in the 20th Century

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Magazine
Date: 10/1/2023
Poster: Doug Holt


Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Combined Arms: Combat Operations in the 20th Century

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Magazine
Date: 10/1/2023
Poster: Doug Holt


Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Vietnam: Squad Battles

Publisher: HPS Simulations
Game Type: Computer
Date: 10/1/2023
Poster: Pat L.
Add article with linked articles to existing game

Article for existing game with linked articles.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Firefight

Publisher: TSR
Game Type: Board
Date: 9/30/2023 8:00:00 AM
Poster: Doug Holt


Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Combined Arms: Combat Operations in the 20th Century

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Magazine
Date: 9/30/2023
Poster: Doug Holt


Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Combined Arms: Combat Operations in the 20th Century

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Magazine
Date: 9/30/2023
Poster: Doug Holt


Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Combined Arms: Combat Operations in the 20th Century

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Magazine
Date: 9/30/2023
Poster: Doug Holt


Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Firefight

Publisher: TSR
Game Type: Board
Date: 9/29/2023
Poster: Doug Holt


Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Test Game with linked games

Series: Test Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 9/29/2023
Poster: Pat L.
Add article with linked articles to existing game

Article for existing game with linked articles.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: Test Game with linked games

Series: Test Games
Game Type: Board
Date: 9/28/2023 11:21:00 AM
Poster: Pat L.
Article with Links

Test for linked games that are unrelated to this game using a pub date in the future.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: La Grande Armee: The Campaigns of Napoleon in Central Europe 1805-1809

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Board
Date: 9/28/2023
Poster: Pat L.
Article with Links

Test for linked games that are unrelated to this game using a pub date in the future.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight
Game: La Grande Armee: The Campaigns of Napoleon in Central Europe 1805-1809

Publisher: SPI
Game Type: Board
Date: 9/28/2023
Poster: Pat L.
Article with Links

Test for linked games that are unrelated to this game using a pub date in the future.

Search for this and related games with Noble Knight