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Advanced Squad Leader |
[3.1] | Learning Scenarios | |
[4.1] | ASL Internet Mailing List (ASLML) | |
[4.2] | The ASL Digest | |
[4.3] | The Expanded ASL Index | |
[4.4] | WWW & FTP | |
[4.5] | CompuServe | |
[4.6] | VASL | |
[4.7] | GAPs | |
[4.8] | Other software |
Unfortunately nearby opponents are not always available. Fortunately there are other options; the most common alternatives are Play by (E-)Mail and Solitaire.
The rapid turnaround time of PBEM means that you can quickly ask rules questions of your opponent; the next best thing to "being there". Solitaire play can be useful but is not much help if you hit a rule that you just don't understand. One of the important functions of the ASLML is being able to quickly answer rules questions of people new to the game. As a further note to solitaire play, while the Solitaire module is a good way to brush up on unfamiliar rules, it's probably not as good in learning the rules for the first time, since (a) it assumes you already know them (including the more advanced rules) and (b) it uses some sub-systems (e.g., Command Control) not found in the regular ASL rules. For *learning* purposes, you're probably better off playing a normal scenario solitaire.
It's helpful if you can get hold of the "Programmed Instructions" for learning ASL as originally printed in the 90 Annual. See [2.11] for more details.
Finally, if you have an opportunity to go to an ASL game convention, take it! Meeting other people that you don't play regularly will expose you to many different styles of play (and rules interpretations) that will *always* be a learning experience (as well as being a darn good time). Don't be worried that you're not "good enough" to play in a tournament -- just go for the ride and do your best. You'll be guaranteed to have a blast! More info on tournaments can be found in Section [7.0].
No guarantee that these scenarios are balanced or fun, just that some people think they serve as good introductions to certain parts of the rules.
Scenarios are identified by their ID, their name and the module in which they can be found. Note that some of the modules are not official TAHGC publications. Some scenarios have had both "amateur" and "official" publication; some have been seen in several amateur publications. If an "official" version exists, that will be the source cited; otherwise the most recent publication will be cited.
Note that virtually all of the scenarios included in "Classic ASL" are considered good for learning purposes. Also, all scenarios from "Classic ASL" and AP#1 are available for free download from MMP's website.
1 | Fighting Withdrawal | BV |
11 | Defiance On Hill 30 | Para |
A | The Guards Counterattack | Classic ASL |
T1 | Gavin Take | Classic ASL |
G35 | Going To Church | General 31.2 |
RB6 | Turned Away | RB |
A80 | Commando Schenke | Annual '95w |
AP8 | A Bloody Harvest | AP #1 |
D1 | Guryev's Headquarters | SoF |
T2 | The Puma Prowls | Classic ASL |
35 | Blazin' Chariots | WoA |
A44 | Blocking Action At Lipki | Annual '92 |
23 | Under The Noel Trees | Yanks |
F | The Paw Of The Tiger | Classic ASL |
A51 | Clash Along The Psel | Annual '93a |
90 | Pride And Joy | DB |
SP? | Over Open Sights | Schwerpunkt #3 |
D | The Hedgehog Of Piepsk | Classic ASL |
E | Hill 621 | Classic ASL |
A59 | Death At Carentan | Annual '93a |
T7 | Hill 253.5 | General 27.3 |
ASLUG20 | The Butcher's Bill | ASLUG ? |
L | Hitdorf On The Rhine | General 25.2 |
61 | Shoestring Ridge | CoB |
H | Escape From Velikye Luki | Classic ASL |
20 | Taking The Left Tit | Yanks |
TOT8 | Nightmare | Time On Target 1 |
A19 | Cat And Mouse | Annual '90 |
BB2 | Throwing Down The Gauntlet | Backblast 1 |
DA11 | Sicilian Midnight | Annual '93a |
TOT18 | The Aller Waltz | Time On Target 2 |
40 | Fort McGregor | WoA |
35 | Blazin' Chariots | WoA |
37 | Khamsin | WoA |
38 | Escape From Derna | WoA |
41 | A Bridgehead Too Wet | WoA |
CH49 | High Danger | Critical Hit 4 or the VFTT website |
A60 | Totsugeki! | Annual '93a |
67 | Cibik's Ridge | GH |
A53 | Smith & Weston | Annual '93a |
A58 | Munda Mash | Annual '93a |
63 | The Eastern Gate | CoB |
60 | On The Kokoda Trail | CoB |
A42 | Commando Hunt | Annual '92 |
CH28 | Children Of The Kunai | Critical Hit! 3 |
A83 | Last Of Their Strength | Annual '95w |
A55 | The Cat has Jumped | Annual '93a |
73 | Hell or High Water | GH |
A79 | Mike Red | Annual '95w |
BB1 | Taming Tulagi | Backblast 1 |
72 | Sea of Tranquility | GH |
To subscribe to advanced-sl, send mail to [email protected]. In the body of the message type the following:
subscribe advanced-sl
To unsubscribe, send:
unsubscribe advanced-sl
A digest version of the list exists. To subscribe to it, use the above directions, but instead you must subscribe to advanced-sl-digest.
A WWW interface to the ASLML now exists. You can browse recent messages, even post new messages, without actually subscribing. See http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~mhb/aslml/ for the full details.
There is a widespread feeling that this is not a good argument, and people may be upset or dismiss you out of hand. There are reasons for this -- perhaps not good enough to excuse bad behaviour, but good reasons nonetheless.
So, what are these reasons. One is that "reality" is different to different people. There are always (and I mean *always*) counter- arguments that are equally valid. In the above case, what if the tank is actually zig-zagging? Another reason is that we don't *know* what the rules are trying to simulate in many cases. OBA have a harder time hitting targets that are concealed than targets that are hidden. This is, of course, totally unrealistic. However, the reason for this is that the player has total information while the cardboard person actually calling in OBA doesn't. To limit the effects of the player's omniscience, this is made harder.
That takes us to the next good reason: it has to work in the game. While some reality "fixes" might seem perfectly reasonable on their own, they may not be in tune with the rest of the rules. A recent suggestion was to add a more severe modifier to buttoned-up AFVs. While this might seem perfectly OK on it's own, the net effect was that it made blind charges over 500m of open ground against stationary enemy AFVs a good tactic. Not quite the intended result. That's sometimes how the game mechanics work out; they're more closely integrated than you might think, and while they might seem unreal in isolation it is the final result that matters.
Of course, the final reason is the most convincing one: it's a game. While *based on* reality, it *isn't* reality. When playing competitively or when there is disagreement, whatever the rules say is what goes. While discussing the rules on the list you are talking to strangers, many of whom do not give any weight whatsoever to reality arguments. Don't expect to convince them because of your brilliant reality arguments -- they have most probably heard it before, and weren't convinced then.
Reality arguments are fine when playing for fun or when playing against your friends. They are outside the bounds of the ASLML as reality is *not* a generally agreed-to basis for arguments. That means they are most likely to provoke some irritated or dismissive responses and no consensus whatsoever.
You would send [email protected] the commands "index" and "get", i.e.:
index advanced-sl-digest
get -listname- -filename-
The "index" command tells you what the archive filenames are and the "get" command gets that particular archive. For additional information send a mail to [email protected] with the message "help". You will be mailed back the listserv help document. An example of the exact method to use is as follows (thanks to Tom Huntington for the original example):
Send mail to:
[email protected]
index advanced-sl-digest
index advanced-sl-digest
Majordomo will mail you a response *really quickly* that looks something like:
>>>> index advanced-sl-digest total 60380 -rw-rw---- 1 multiman vuser 42708 May 24 2001 v01.n1000 -rw-rw---- 1 multiman vuser 40917 May 24 2001 v01.n1001 -rw-rw---- 1 multiman vuser 41595 May 25 2001 v01.n1002 -rw-rw---- 1 multiman vuser 41210 May 26 15:02 v01.n1003 -rw-rw---- 1 multiman vuser 43317 May 27 13:56 v01.n1004 -rw-rw---- 1 multiman vuser 42061 May 28 01:16 v01.n1005 -rw-rw---- 1 multiman vuser 41179 May 28 19:17 v01.n1006 -rw-rw---- 1 multiman vuser 41944 May 29 13:56 v01.n1007 ... -rw-rw---- 1 multiman vuser 40775 Nov 20 08:34 v01.n1355 -rw-rw---- 1 multiman vuser 44887 Nov 20 17:19 v01.n1356 -rw-rw---- 1 multiman vuser 40678 Nov 21 08:54 v01.n1357 -rw-rw---- 1 multiman vuser 41408 Nov 21 18:13 v01.n1358 -rw-rw---- 1 multiman vuser 42855 Nov 22 10:30 v01.n1359 -rw-rw---- 1 multiman vuser 44896 Nov 22 12:48 v01.n1360 -rw-rw---- 1 multiman vuser 42534 Nov 23 12:31 v01.n1361Pick out the digest you are interested in (say you missed #1359).
Send another mail to:
[email protected]
get advanced-sl-digest v01.n1359
get advanced-sl-digest v01.n1359
You will be mailed back the missing digest.
The ASL Digest should not be confused with the ASLML-Digest Mode. The ASL Digest is an amateur electronic ASL newsletter which is sent out approximately once a month. The content of the Digest includes original scenarios, articles, discussions, product reviews, and editorials. Historical discussions and game tactics/strategies are also included. Current and recent issues can be found on Jeff Shields' ASL homepage (http://www.vims.edu/~jeff/asl.htm). Submissions are strongly encouraged from players of all abilities and experience. To make a submission or to subscribe to the Digest send e- mail to Terry Ford at [email protected].
This Expanded Index is available at several places on the web, but I don't think it has been updated for some time now. One reason for this was the release of the 2nd Edition Rulebook, which finally updated the index (and, if my memory serves, was based on Tom's work). Nevertheless, if you only have the 1st Edition Rulebook, this could prove to be a useful download.
The second is the PBMGAMES forum, Section 10 (Other Board Wargames). This is where the Ladder matches are played out in public postings. It's also where the general gossip, rules discussions etc. take place. (This is mostly a matter of history, since the PBMGAMES forum has been around a lot longer than the BCRPUB forum.) If you want to join the CIS Ladder, post a message to Gary Milks [73770,3177].
The AOL ASL club is still very active and running a ladder plus info areas. The current contact is Brian Sielski at [email protected].
VASL runs on Windows 95 or 3.1, OS/2, Macintosh PowerPC, UNIX, and any other system that supports the Java Runtime Environment. The software is free, available at http://www.vasl.org/. An online user's guide is also available at this site.
The VASL server address is
1) The TAHGC "official" GAP.
Originally released for the Apple ][, now only available in MS-DOS format. This software is fairly simplistic, and does not offer very much in the way of "fancy features". It's designed purely to assist in normal FtF play. Within these limitations, the software is functional and reasonably straight-forward to use. The only problem I am aware of with it is that in some circumstances it gives you a result without telling you what the intervening dice rolls leading to that result were.
2) The Zundel GAP.
MS-DOS. Shareware. Optimised for PBEM play. E-mail to contact Steve Zundel: [email protected]. Latest update includes all nationalities and is optimized for MS Windows. (Ver 4) Has all OOB's for the nations now represented.
Windows-based. Freeware.
What it does: ASLAP looks after your dicing, works out the results of your dicing, keeps track of snipers, OBA, interrogation, weather, PF, THH, Battlefield Integrity etc. It also helps with SASL. Has a PBeM interface to assist in PBeM, has a Unit Track to keep track of your units. Has complete access to TH, TK, IFT, IIFT, IIFT CTC interactive tables etc.
What else? Has Quickmenus to all conceivable tables where you can automate things like Spreading Fire, Bog, Spotting, Barrage, HoB, Leader Creation, Glider Landing etc etc.
You can download it from: http://www.pitt.edu/~pferraro/aslap.html
SALSA! is a SASL Assistant written by Robert Delwood ([email protected]) intended to simplify play by reducing excessive chart referencing and speeding up die rolling routines. It is not intended to be a computer replacement system for ASL nor automate the logic. It is meant to encourage SASL and to make play easier, quicker and, hence, more enjoyable. It does not compete with any other ASL product currently available and is the only product dedicated solely to SASL. It is available for both Macintosh and Windows.
SALSA! http://www.delwood.org/SALSA.html
[4.8] Other Software
DYO: A program that will lead a user through the Chapter H DYO rules, plus generate random scenarios and solitaire missions. This program was written by Tim Kitchen and is now in Version 3.0. The program includes all data from the Chapter H DYO charts (yes, every vehicle and gun!), and makes designing DYO scenarios a joy instead of rocket science. The program performs all calculations like equivalent infantry, support weapons, leader generation, etc., and supports all nationalities released to date. This software is for Windows 3.1 or Windows 95. It was shareware, but Tim has now made it available for free from http://people.va.mediaone.net/kitchent/owner30.zip. If you like it, e-mail him at [email protected] and say thanks.